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"In defense of food"


Wow, this book really opened up my eyes. It came at a great time too since I've started really thinking about healthy and exercise.


Made me realize how little real food I actually eat! It always really made me doubt a lot of the food science that we have out and about.


Gah, I can't wait until I can afford to buy groceries on my own so that I can prepare my own food.

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Wait... I may be confused. Food, INC is coming out... Sorry.

But I saw the author of that book on the Today show or something. It was captivating.


He also wrote "the omnivore's dilemma". I am starting that one once I finish up this book. That book is more about the evolution of our eating traditions; Explaining why we have traditionally 4 meals, why we ate what we ate, and such.

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He also wrote "the omnivore's dilemma". I am starting that one once I finish up this book. That book is more about the evolution of our eating traditions; Explaining why we have traditionally 4 meals, why we ate what we ate, and such.


Food, INC focuses on how the government subsidizes unhealthy food and makes it nearly impossible for most people to access the healthiest foods.


All so interesting. Sorry for the mixup.

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Food, INC focuses on how the government subsidizes unhealthy food and makes it nearly impossible for most people to access the healthiest foods.


All so interesting. Sorry for the mixup.


Yeah, that is sort of the same thing.


The meat company practically sued the US government back in the 50's when the government tried to say that too much meat and dairy wasn't good.


That's why we say "fat" or "cholesterol" is bad for you. So that blame isn't put on a product but on invisible, little demons like fat. People are rarely ever told "not" to eat a certain food but told to eat more of another kind.There are no lobbyists protecting vitamins, minerals, carbs, or proteins...

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Yeah, that is sort of the same thing.


The meat company practically sued the US government back in the 50's when the government tried to say that too much meat and dairy wasn't good.


That's why we say "fat" or "cholesterol" is bad for you. There are no lobbyists protecting vitamins, minerals, carbs, or proteins...


It is crazy to think what life in the US would be like if there were different agendas...

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It is crazy to think what life in the US would be like if there were different agendas...


Yeah I know.


He talks about this one aborigine experiment. There were these 10 aborigines who had recently changed to a more westernized lifestyle (including diet, technology, and jobs). All of them had high blood pressure, diabetes 2, and obesity even though they were on normal western diets.


They were asked to return to their aborigine lifestyles for a 7 week trial. They all returned to their previous huts and went back to their previous hunting and gathering. Within those 7 weeks, all of them had lost an average of 17 pounds, most of them were now completely healthy (including no diabetes no heart problems), and all of them had amazing health changes.


7 weeks. That is so crazy.

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