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Girls always seem to know when and when not to get something for their boyfirends. And in this case i have no clue what to give my honey our anniversary cause i have a pretty good feeling that she's gonna get me something... it's beeen two weeks..


Is there like a site that says what you should get your lover like after two... three... four... a month? kinda like the wedding list for presents or gives...


And of course i know Christmas is coming up so she'll be getting a couple things and mo'. so if you guys could start a list this would not only help me but other bf like me of even gf....


Thank You a WHOLE bunch!!!!

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Get her a photobook staring you and her =).

Or perhaps a glass-rose, teddy-bear, packet of smokes, a lyric/poem book, a drawing of you and her, some ring you know she likes (Perhaps the One Ring?), a new wallet, incense holder + incense or perhaps a fish if she has a fish tank?


Good luck!

Ja ne

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akatoro came up with a lot of good ideas. the most important thing though is to make sure that she realizes how much she means to you. she will like anything you give her because its coming from the one guy she cares about. oh yeah, girls do not always know, at least girls like me. im having the hardest time coming up with a gift for my bf. in fact im having a hard time coming up with gifts for my dad & brothers too. guys are so difficult.....

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