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my boyfriend and I have been broken up for almost 3 weeks now... He found out that I was meeting new guys through my friends...I am not persuing them, its just all friends hanging out. One of the guys approached my ex telling him he was going to ask me on a date and all this. My boyfriend texted me and then called me to tell me how messed up it was that I was already looking for other guys and it'd only been 2 weeks....he was very upset....he tells me he is just now starting to realize whats going on and things about his life.....he wanted the break up for his own space. I am just wondering if this reaction is a good thing....for him to be upset. He tells me he's gona start going out and drinking all the time like me, even though I'm not drinking all the time.... He kept telling me he'd talk to me when I was sober, and I was. It was just my attitude is the one that I am out having fun and keeping my mind off things, and I cannot do anything until he tells me what he wants....any advice would be wonderful..... I am not contacting him until he contacts me too..... he tells me it will be soon though?

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I take it that he dumped you? If he did then his reaction is uncalled for and he was acting out of jealousy.


If you broke up with him, then it would be hurting him that it appears that you are moving on faster than he is because he is still obviously hurt. I wouldn't contact him. Let him cool off.

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Ok tell me if this sounds right. He dumped you, you started flirting with his friends so he would find out and get jealous, he finds out and is jealous. I would say mission accomplished. Let him see that you can get with other guys and have fun without him. I think it's funny.


My ex told a mutual friend that I was a scumbag because she secretly came in my house, went through my trash, and found a few condom wrappers. She broke up with me but somehow I was a scumbag for seeing other women. I felt bad that she saw that but she shouldn't have been going through my trash in the first place.

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well....yea somehow he found out and was telling me how messed up it was that I was already out meeting other guys after 2 weeks....and how he is just now realizing what he wants in his life..... I told him I wasn't persuing other guys, just out with friends hanging out and having fun.... I want to be with him, I just hope he realizes that he wants to be with me...Not sure if this whole thing happening worked or not?!

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It sounds like it worked. He was probably thinking that he had a few months to run around and have fun being single and when it got old he could come back to you. Now he is thinking oh sh*t this girl has guys crawling all over her what the hell did I do.

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Well I think it proves he still has feelings for you, and when he said he is just starting to realize what is going on, I think that might mean he is starting to realize he made a mistake? That is what it sounds like to me, Ive noticed with younger men that right when their ex gf is getting a lot of attention from other males they start to panic and this sometimes even makes them regret their decision of breaking up.

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