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what do i do how do i cope? i am hoping the no contact can now start

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hi all my bf broke up with me of 2and a bit years last week..

he cheated on me i took him back he pleaded blah blah i saw a counsellor worked so hard then last week he just snapped said no thats it its not right it hasnt been working we dont work together and i dont love you anymore...

killed me. anyway so i am hoping that after last night all the contact that had to be done is NOW OVER its not me contacting him its him contacting me but admittedly it is about things like cancelling payments and that he couldnt do so he had to let me know i had to do it etc - i asked if he had cancelled a trip to a diff state etc... so i was civil not very emotive - but he was so nice

I WOULD NEVER CANCEL THAT oF course not of course i wouldnt cancel it

i BURST as soon as i got off the phone.... being nice to me makes me feel sick

it hurts its like he did it for his own conscious to feel less guilty

im also left wondering about the whole friends card he said it on the day we broke up and i said HOW CAN I DO THAT????????? in my hysterical crying state... (ive already bargained pleaded begged been a total masochist)

rather embarrassing - so now im just trying to live with his decision...

but what do i do if he CONTACTS ME AGAIN i dont want to think about it

but it does worry me that iw ont be prepared if he does - i dont know if i have the willpower to not answer but i really need him to leave me alone but am struggling with the no please contact me - im reading all these posts about grovelling exes.............. but i doubt he will contact me again

i keep trying to tell myself and stay angry that what he did was horrible..

i couldnt get over it... i tried i was a good person trying to make this work and he didnt even want to see it through i dont know how to think about me and not him or us i need to redirect that focus i know but how how how how how it hurts me to ignore him if he calls but then i try to think of the rotten things he did

i feel so anxious and pained today


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You can get through it. Trust me. I've been in your shoes where I felt like the entire world has ended. NC definitely helps get your mind off of your ex!!


By the way, there are terrific threads by superdave71 that you should read to cope:




Good luck! Stay beautiful.

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NC-NC-NC! If he contacts you, don't answer it. Block his email, phone number if you can, to help you with NC. It's really going to be tough, and you will have a lot of moments where you might feel like crying and breaking down... but just realize that there IS hope at the end of healing.


I agree with musicdee - those superdave71 posts helped me through my own tough times!

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