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am i overreacting?

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ooooooooookkkk then

i have this problem and i'm not sure if i'm overreacting or what but i still need your advice


i have my best friend that i have been friends with for about a year now and i really trust him with all my secrets and stuff and i'm a really trust-worthy person so i would hope that anyone would tell me their secrets.


well at first my best friend would start telling me stuff that would happen to him on the weekend like he meet a girl he thinks is hot and this would seem weird cause he's a shy person. and then a few weeks later he'd tell me that he'd accuatley known her for a while and that they'd gone to second base. and then it'll just keep getting weirder and weirder and then i found out that he doesn't trust me and tells other people stuff and never tells me anything anymore. so i have to go ask him about it. and in the end he said that he had sex with the girl without a condom and got her pregnet. and it seems soooooo unbelievable because he keeps changing the story. so i choose not to believe a word he says anymore.


but then a few days ago i'd discovered from another friend of mine that he'd confessed a secret of mine to him. and i have to admit it wasn't a big deal or anything and i knew that the school was going to find out about it anyway but what really made me mad was that he couldn't keep a stupid little secret, told my friend behind my back and never even told me about it. i probably would have gone easier on him if he had told me about it but i full on chucked it at him (not out loud, we were writting on paper) and i didn't really talked to him for the rest of the day.


when i got home i told my mum about it and she said that he's probably feeling guilty about it and he'll probably apologise tomorrow. so i relaxed a bit.


the next day at school i'd discovered that the shy bastard told his mum that everyone was snubbing him and he started to cry so everyone was being mean to me and telling me that i'm not a good friend.


now a days we just talk and i think that he thinks that i'm his best friend but i can tell you now that because of that i have no faith in people anymore. i trust no-one anymore. and i think that the world is full of miserable jerks that only care about themselves. i feel like i'm the smallest person in the world and people just step on me like they can't see me


i want you guys to tell me what you think and please help me out.

i want to believe that there are good people in the world but i have had no evidence of that yet.


i'm sorry to make this a long thing but i just had to get this off my chest

i'm gratefull to anyone who replies

thanks for reading this far



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Geez, butch, just because you picked an idiot for a friend isn't a reason to think the rest of the world sucks. As well, if someone is going to treat you a certain way based on one-sided information they're, pardon the word, a tit. School is full of self-involved immature boobs, just accept it. When you care what other people think you give them power over you. No one is worthy of that, tell them to mind their own business.


People should earn your trust and prove they're worthy of it. When they destroy it then you part ways and move on. You will have many friends in your life, some good, some bad. Don't let the bad destroy your chances in meeting the good. (Unfortunately there's more bad than good).

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I think you should make new friends.. I had something like that happen to me me dealing with this guy who was going out with me and then he broke up with me and then his bro called pretending it was him i believed it and i told people at school the next day,,, everyone called me a liar....and everyone hated me next year they forgot...i made some new friends but most the same becuse my real friends stuck with me ......poeple moved and didnt care, no one even remembers now....

make new firneds dont talke about it and try to forget it is my advice

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