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Why cant i find anyone to go out with??

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All throught out my life I have never had any real luck with the ladies. My parents always seemed to screw me over. I never been to any dates, parties etc....



It seemed that all my life was meant for was just school work. Well now I am 18 and in college. Now more than ever the threat of being single is constantly nagging me. I mean I have never done anything with women


So how exaclty does this dating thing work?? Sure some girls have liked me while I have been at college but I dont know how to "jump on that".

I am so tired of my parents telling me this wait until your down with college bull shit. I mean really as an 18 year 6-1 black male, how in the hell can you off set my built in insticts. All of this reall seems so frustrating when you see couples snuggle up together, or when you go to the prom alone.


So is there any way I can turn myself around and get a girl before it is to late.



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dude... you said girls like you at college right? Talk to them, tell them to come to your room, telll your roomate to leave... proceed with what girls and guys do when they're alone together.... it's a lot harder whe the girls don't like you... trust me buddy... But honestly, go for the girls that like you first.. i found if you like a girl and go after her she'll use that the rest of the relationship trying to tell you how you should treat her better and all this BS you really don't wanna deal witrh (yes, from personal experience i know this unfortunately) Go for the girls, it's not hard, talk to them, tell them they're pretty (but DONT LIE TO THEM) and lean in for a kiss, it's pretty simple when the girl likes you... the difficult part is getting a girl to like you..

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It may seem like a dumm awnser but personally I've always found girls to really like it when a guy makes the first moves on her. Dont be too worried about getting turned down, just be confident go up to the girl you like and ask her out for a drink! Whats the worst she can do, turn you down, so what...!


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Hey tiff, maybe it would be nice if all of us guys didn't have to do all of the hard work in initiating a relationship, did you ever think of it that way?


Maybe once in a while it would be nice if a girl asked out a guy.


Well you said a penny for my thoughts and I gave you my two cents, where the hell did the other penny go?

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