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It hurts to not see her please help me......

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i have been with my girlfriend for only 3 months but we have become so attached to each other you would think we were together for 3 years. over that last couple of weeks our schedule has been interrupted for various reasons. its hurts me so bad to not see her and she told me that she cryed when i wasnt with her. dont get me wrong i love being with her in the time we get to see each other but it hurts so bad when i cant see her. i talk to her on the phone when i cant but we arent exactly talkative on the phone. we can sit with each other and talk for hours but on the phone its just not there. i dont know what to do to stay occupied or keep my mind off missing her. can someone help me out? and please dont say friends because i dont have many and i dont care for hanging with my own sex anymore(i cant trust most of them).

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Hey Vash.


I'm going through the same thing myself. It's tough having a relationship when you have such conflicting schedules - try enjoying the time you do spend together. You say it's only been three months that you've been together - not long for a serious relationship but it's obvious she doesn't just want to be friends with you. Relax. Emjoy the times you do have together. Unless you change schedules there's not much more you can do about the time factor.

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Hey Vash! It really is great to know that this really is a place to go to know that you aren't alone! lol I am in your exact same situation....and it sucks big time I know.....I really don't have a lot of advice to offer yet because I am just too depressed myself right now, but I will tell you that the best thing to do is try to find anything else you enjoy doing and do more of it! Think of when you'll get to see her next and it will actually keep you energized through the day or however long it is until you will see her next! Also, when you are just really down about it, pray to God from the bottom of your heart about it. He will really comfort you. Or come here and find somebody to talk to it about, everyone here is very nice and understanding and comforting. It really has been a great comfort for me to come to this site! Best of wishes to u man! I know exactly how you feel, I have no real guy friends either! Things will get better, just try not to worry right now!

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