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Well, i got my closure


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wow, it hurts.

7 months broken up. we had been talking and hanging out. last night out of the blue he sends me an email and says he has a new GF.


we were together 2 years. practically engaged and living together.




it was such a mean email. i don't know what to do. i don't know how to move on. He has someone, I am alone.

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wow, it hurts.

7 months broken up. we had been talking and hanging out. last night out of the blue he sends me an email and says he has a new GF.


we were together 2 years. practically engaged and living together.




it was such a mean email. i don't know what to do. i don't know how to move on. He has someone, I am alone.


Hi There,


I'm sorry you are hurting. I remember you posted the other day about trying the 'friendship' thing and being hurt that he didn't want to talk about the relationship any more.


7 months is awhile, for him, it was probably enough time to move forward.


You have your closure now, so you can begin to move forward.



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A close friend of mine recently found out that her ex has a new GF, and that she's moving in with him, and that he'll be there with her at a wedding in which she'll be attending in a few months.


Her thoughts were "gotta get a man", "gotta lose weight" in that order. She was having a panic attack about it. I had to remind her..."Ummmm, you dumped him, remember? You told him that he wasn't good enough for you, remember? You're the one who broke his heart, remember?"


People come and go in relationships. So he has a new one. What are the odds that this one ends in 2 years as well? Pretty high. And then the cycle continues. Then he'll be broken up and single. Then he'll find out that you're engaged to a new man and feel depressed and freaked about it.


It's such a strange, worthless competition that people have with their ex's. Don't get me wrong, I'm not immune from it either, but I do recognize it when I step back a little.

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i just feel replaced.


I wanted at least a chance to work it out.


I want to meet someone new, dont' seem to be able to. just the weather's getting so nice out, wish we could take our strolls again.



I know exactly how you feel. I was engaged, and he bailed. He ended up in a new relationship almost immediately, and it still hurts like hell. He too was mean about it towards the end, as if he wanted me completely out of his life since he had someone new. Yeah, I felt so replaced by him. He was once so loyal and supportive of me. But now, his life is all about this new girl.


It seems really hard right now for you, but you will get through it. It is highly doubtful that his new relationship will last, and you never know, there may be a chance for you to work it out with him in the future. However, if that time comes, I would bet money that you will have moved on and have no interest in being with him.


I stumbled accross this song over the weekend and it kind of is helping me out. Hope it does the same for you too.


Feel free to PM me if you need to talk. Hang in there. Things will get better.

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i just feel replaced.


I wanted at least a chance to work it out.


I want to meet someone new, dont' seem to be able to. just the weather's getting so nice out, wish we could take our strolls again.


I know, it's hard because it almost always happens that one person wants to end a relationship and the other one is left hurting and left behind.


I hope even though your heart is hurting, your mind can recognize that moving on is what you need to do, and that doesn't mean finding someone new, it can mean just being comfortable being on your own.

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hey sugar. why on earth would he send you an email like THAT??? perhaps he isn't quite over you, but really wants to rub in your face that he "is"? when i'm over someone, i don't need to tell them just how over them i am, you know?


This is true.I got one of these too. Calls me at 12:45 am and wants to see me and when I refused he starts sniffing around and then tell me that its ok if I date coz he's dating too.Im like why are you calling me!???](*,)

If he's so happy with his new gf he wont bother emailing you!

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