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Just feel awful today


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After a night of no sleep I just feel awful today. I cannot help but think I didn't provide the space and time my g/f needed. Instead I forced the issue and pushed her out of my life. It's sad since it's not even a single 24hr period and I'm already feeling this low. I do not want to go to work this morning, but you gotta pay the bills. Hope everyone is having a better day than me.



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I took an rntire week off from work and I have to work today and I don't feel like I am up to it but I have to go as well. Last nigth I went to bed ok after chatting about things but today i woke up feeling worse. things have not been better its been days now and I feel like it is still the same. I feel just as bad as before. So i know what you are feeling. I just wish it would feel alittle bit better. Im taking meds and that doesn't seemt o be helping at all I feel more anxious than ever. Very very uncool thing to go through this. I wish I had something nice to tell you

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It gets better Kevin.


I was suicidal and could not sleep 90 days ago. I could not control my emotions (first time in my life really- and I'm 47.)


Now I've been sleeping very well (10+ hours!) for the last few weeks.


I've been unevenly happy for two to three weeks. After a final closure call with ex last friday morning- I feel like the last of the sadness is gone for for days now.


I think soon I'll be gone from ENA. But staying a bit to say positive things to folks like you at the start of your breakups.


160ish days out of breakup to get here.

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same here. got dumped by my bf of 8 years. that happened 3 weeks ago.

i took 2 weeks off work, and cried for almost 3 weeks, as for sleeping goes, there was none.


then, I thought about killing myself, but somehow, by chance, I found ENA.

This website really saved me. THANK YOU EVERYONE.


Kevin, hang in there, it has only been 3 weeks and counting for me, but you will get through.

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Thanks guys. I think a large part of my problem is that I'm a fixer/reformer. I see potential and then pick someone who has gone through tough times, as I identify with tough times. I then try to build this fantasy about what I want that person to be, sometimes putting myself in an uncomfortable role too. So at the end of the day I realize there are things I need to work on myself. But for today I just keep thinking I made a mistake. I keep thinking maybe I should go back and tough this relationship out. It's an emotional response, not a logical one. But it's hard to resist emotions.



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it is hard, no one said this would be easy.

nights and days, my mind wondering what if, and what i could have done to better this relationship, but at the same time, i felt that he just doesn't love me enough to go through the rough time together.. it doesn't work when you are the only person wants to be in it.

so sad,

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