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why am i still so angry?


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so me and my gf broke up 2 months ago and since then i have been prompto on the getting over her thing. although we are still friends we have way les contact and ive been doing really well. ive even met a new girl that we are still friends for now and we really hit it off and i really believed that i was over my ex. but when i talked to her yesterday and the topic of the break up and what not came up i got soooo royaly pissed off and i realized i was still uber mad about what happened and how it happened.

any insight ppl?

thanks in advanced

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There are several stages you have to go thru to get over a breakup... anger is one of them. But it is much better than the initial grief and despair you feel when it first happens.


You are doing the right thing going out and meeting people and doing things, so you will get better. Just let the anger wash over you and it will lessen with time. The more distance you have between you and the breakup, the better you will feel and the anger will diminish with time.

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