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Mom dumped all my ex-gf's photos


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My mom was clearing out the house a couple years ago as we were getting ready to sell the house.


I wasn't there at the time, but anyways, she took a box with 7 years worth of memories with my ex-gf and dumped them into the trash. This included photos, letters, little notes, etc.


I'm so hurt by this. I told her and she just gave me some justifications, like "I don't like seeing her pics" or that "it's just junk anyways".


I mean, despite us not being together anymore, those were 7 precious years of memories she just dumped into the trash, NEVER to be seen again. One day I might want to go back and look through them, to think back to the good times we had once.


But my mom... she just made the decision for me to dump it all, and she's not even a bit sorry for it. She even went around to my relatives and complained about me being upset over such a thing.


Do I have the right to be mad at her for doing this?

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Yes you do.


She has basically thrown away a piece of your emotional history that was important to you. These mementos, whilst for some can be unhealthy, are also something that i like to keep. I have some photos of my ex and myself in a special spot that i never look at, but i like to know that they are there.


What is important to you, is important to you. This shows a great deal of disrespect and no empathy for what is important to you. I don't think she would have done it maliciously, maybe deep down she sees that you are reminiscing a little too often about this girl, or that you can't move on. She is going to have a reasonable amount of dislike for the girl that hurt her son. So also have a look at it from her perspective.


But bottomline is, she should never have done that.

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