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Sex Readyness - Advice needed!!

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Alright, here's my story. If any of you can help that would be amazing!! Okay, me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost 5 months. I'm 18 and he's 19 and we're both virgins. Last week we were fooling around.. and one thing lead to another and we 'almost' had sex. He was going to, but did not have protection, and it kind of scared me. I stopped him and told him to stop and that we shouldn't do it. I was so nervous and scared in the first place of doing it, so him not having protection was just an excuse, and I'm glad he didn't have it. Is it normal to be this nervous?? I want to have sex with him, but just the thought of it scares me. Now, he has condoms, and I *think* that I'm ready to have sex with him, because I love him to death, but so many people have told me to wait for marriage. I think thats a wonderful idea, but I really love this guy, and want to show him in other ways how I feel, rather than just telling him. He's totally cool about it and wants it to be special for both of us and doesn't want me to be "unsure" when we do it. So how exactly do you go about doing it? It sounds corny to set a date on when to do it. Or should one thing lead to another, and have him ask me if I'm ready? Any advice?! HELLPP lol

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It's normal to be nervous. I mean it's uncharted territory for both of you. Make sure that both of you are ready and that he has protection. Better safe than sorry. Ya sex doesn't have a time or a date, it'll just "happen" If he askss you if you are rady than that's a good thing, cuz then you'll know that he's ready too. Foreplay is a good start. If you want, go to a video store and rent a sex educational tape (if they have them), not a porn. to get "in the mood", but if you need any of that stuff then take things slow. You're 1st sexual experience should be a memorable one. Oh yeah and if you want to, get some extra sensual items at an adult bookstore. I used to work at one so I know some good things to buy. PM me if you are thinkin of getting some oils, flavored stuff.



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