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Advice from parents please - camping trip

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Hi all! I’m after a point of view from parents or guardians of young lads like me! I’m eighteen, my girlfriend is seventeen, and we’ve been dating just over 13 months.



During the Easter break from school I want to take her for two nights camping at a place near us. I chose it because I’ve been there many times over the years with the family, and I know the area very well – as do my parents.



My parents have never been very good with me going to stay at other people’s houses, hence I want to organise this as a compromise. I want help from you guys to see what objections could be raised to it – if your son asked you if he could do this, what questions would you be asking? I don’t want them to think I’m trying to organise a dirty weekend either, because I know that would be instant rejection of the idea.

The only other ones I can think of are:



Cost – I’ll ring the site, but we don’t have any money issues.



Transport – I have a license but no car, so I was going to ask either them or my brother to give us a lift down there



Drinking – well I’m old enough, and they don’t have a problem with me going out with friends to pubs and so forth...



Any other comments or ideas for how I can make it more amiable to them would be gratefully received!



Thanks ever so much! Doc S.

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As a parent of daughters I have to ask, do her parents know? You have only mentioned your parents and how they might react to you. It might be something to have all parties involved discuss, meet for coffee or tea, state your case and the grounds, and then listen to their input. We don't "ruin the fun" of our children on purpose, it is our duty to see things you may have over looked or that might not benefit your future, and that is only because we care. Honestly if you present yourself as an adult you will be treated as such but, that means understanding terms and respecting them.

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Perhaps I am asking a bit of a lot - either way nothing ventured, nothing gained!


What are the sleeping arrangements? You are going on an overnight with your girlfriend...is sex really not going to happen...and yes...oral sex is still sex.


Yes, you're right we would be sleeping together. Sex has happened many times in our relationship, and I think my parents are well aware of it. As usual though its not really something I or they wish to discuss as a family kind of thing.


As a parent of daughters I have to ask, do her parents know?


Absolutely! I've been very lucky to be totally approved by her Mother and Father, my girlfriend has spoken to them about it and they gave their blessing without hesitation apparently. Nice to get something right!


Any further thoughts?

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