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Phonecall ending...does it bear any significance? What do I do? Did I handle badly?

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I just had a phone conversation with the ex , a nice, normally, chatty 'how you doing?' type conversation which was very light and airy but long-lasting and flowing. We talked for about half an hour.

It was the first time we talked properly on the phone in months and months, so it was not something that either of us were used to (I called him btw).


But this is what i'm trying to figure out. The way the conversation ended surprised me:


I SAID "Okaay we'll I should let you go.."

HE SAID- "Alright, well if you wanna do something today lemme know".


- "..today?"

- "Yeah like you might have plans and I might be out and we could bump into each other.."


- "Oh right,yes well i dont really have plans so, if you wanna do something just let me know"


- "Oh ok ok byebye"- "Byee"






ughhmm was it really that awkward?! lol I dont know what to make of it. do you think he genuinely wanted to/wants to see me? Do I contact him later tonight? Will he? Did I respond badly/ say anything awkward ? I'm not sure.. advice would be appreciated! Thank youuxx

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Sounds pretty normal to me - especially for an converstaion with an "ex". You can't expect it to go too smoothly.

Beware of the over analysis of these things.


As for who should contact who and when, where why etc. We'd need more info about the why's etc of the break up. I will stress this: if you are interested in getting back together or at least having some kind of continued contact with him the "cool" is the key here.

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we loved each other sooo much

even on the day of the break up

it was depressing for both of us.

but i know it was something he had to do, we argued too much and i needed to grow up. but now he's a bit phobic of a relationship/our relationship, i think.


i am so glad we are friends, and even if we stay friends, i know he'll always feel something for me deep down and i will too.


When i bumped into him a few weeks ago, it was almost like... it was just like the past few months of the break up was a dream and i had just saw him yesterday and everything has been fine.


its weird.


Anyway what do you think of the phone convo situation? xx

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Sure, it can be. I found it much cleaner and peaceful (and helping each person to move on) to limit contact to two situations if there were still strong feelings involved:


true emergencies or

if the "dumper" wanted to get back together and be committed again.


You think you can handle the anxiety when the call comes and he mentions the date he has coming up in a few days? hope you have a weak gag reflex.

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