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Big Argh....this is so frustrating

Clementine orange

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I found out a few days ago that my on/again off again hot and cold g/f has a few other fellas floating around on the perimeter as well as me. So I'm baling. Beh!!!!


I joined lavalife. No luck whatsoever. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. This is so frustrating.


To the women who have had success with meeting men on-line, what made you actually return an email? Like what does it take. I've heard women complain that all they ever meet are creeps. But I'm not one...I swear. How can I prove that?


god I feel like an idiot now

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Well my female friend, who happens to be quite a catch, has done the internet dating and has commented that trying to set up a date takes much work and effort. A part-time job if you will.


I hear, on the whole, internet dating is a game. Treat it as such.

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You know, I read an article once that said "on-again, off-again is never really on." I think that rings true in most cases. Of course there are some people and I know a few who keep "breaking up" and "getting back together" but to me that is just nuts. If it's off-on, best to just assume it's off, forge ahead, and move on to something that is always on.

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Why didn't I listen to my instinct!!!!!



Well, now you know. All the times I have ignored my instincts when it comes to dating men, I have regretted it. Human beings have amazing intuition and we can sense when something is wrong or just off somehow. Now you know to trust yours more. So you've gained something huge here. I doubt you're an idiot with women. Rather, you are human. Big difference. You live, grow, and learn from your experiences. So, take heart in the fact that you have an amazing opportunity to learn and grow from this.

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I know, I know, thanks you guys. I just feel so "played" by this woman. Why didn't I listen to my instinct!!!!!

I'm such an idiot about women.


We've all done it tho. We do it because we think that they are genuinely invested in us. We really want to believe in people, even when our heads are telling us otherwise.

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