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Jealous over everything


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Have any of you ever felt jealous?

Not over the bf or gf

But over everything.


I've noticed I'm jealous over everything now.

Every since haveing been cheated on.

I feel jealous



If someone is smarter than me, Im jealous.

If someone is prettier than me, I feel jealous

If you make a new friend, Im jealous


I dont like how i feel now.

I want to go back to the old me.

But I find that with the cheating incident, I've become someonoe else.


How can I stop these feelings?

WIll they ever change?

To some extent, I think attributed to my recent breakup.

it affected me because everything made me jealous.


But I dont know why?

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I get jealous of people sometimes, esp if I think they are doing better than me, can make friends easier, have an SO, are more liked by others, etc. Sometimes one has to slow down and appreciate what is GOOD about ourselves and what we can be thankful for. That helps.


A lot of times we have stuff that OTHERS are jealous of.


It's the adage "we want what we can't have"

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