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Why is he acting like this?


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We've separated for almost 2 months now and we go to the same uni.

In some ways, the bad things I prayed for came true.

Yet the things I prayed for ...reconciliation, doen't happen.


I prayed and asked for him to drop the class, so I can move on a while ago.


I honestly can't say if he did drop or not.

But I have feelings of dissappointment and slight very slight approval of myself.

I am dissappointed in this person.

I am dissappointed that he doesnt care about his studies.

I am slighty approving myself for moving on because, I dont want some like this.


In the weirdest way possible, God led me to find out that hes not as smart as he led me to believe.

I actually worried for him and sent him solutions to our assignments but he decided not to come to attend class.


I was attracted an ambitious and dedicated person.

If anyone should be missing school, it should be me.

I am SO dissappointed, or I cant find the word to describe my feelings.


Sadness hit first,

Then self pity

Then dissappointment

HUge dissappointment.

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Well the next step to your own healing would be ACCEPTANCE. And that means it's okay to feel disappointed because of someone else's choices but to then choose to accept that each person makes their own choices in life, and it's got nothing to do with anyone other than themselves.. so it's in accepting this you can let go with love and grow way past the 'disappointment' into acceptance.

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Yes, learning to let go ..... I am trying to do.

I am not his girlfriend anymore.

I shouldnt care..... i was relieved of that duty...


In some ways i feel guilty but I wasnt the dumper.


Learn to accept the fact...... I cant control anyone but myself....

Sounds like you know exactly what to do already.

Maybe this was just a way to let it out, by posting this thread.

Keep your chin up, everyone makes mistakes...

He is just making his own.

Some lessons need to be learned the hard way.

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