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so..NC worked for a while. but now what???


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Hey everyone... i need some advice from all of you.


soo my bf and i broke up about almost 3 weeks ago.. after the first few days of crying. i decided to go NC.. it worked and i felt stronger as the days went by.. until this past weekend, i felt strong enough and just phoned my ex to see whats up.. we had a brief talk and said we were basically cool with each other and left it at that. we also talked about the previous time of me running into him at a pub with a bunch of guys... he said he was too shocked and thats why he didnt say hi to me. anyway things got cleared and i left it at that.


then... when i came home later that night i saw a msg from him on facebook wishing me a happy long weekend. i was simply busy that weekend and didn't reply.. The next day i left msn on and when i came home i saw an msn msg from him saying "hey whats up" . i also didnt reply until the next day when i was online and saw him i said "hi did u message me the other day" he said yea just to say hi thats all.. and we had a brief chat and he left.

Right when he got home that night, he messaged me again with "??" but i wasnt home so i ignored that message again. Until the next day when I replied to his message on facebook saying, "im fine , was just shocked to hear that u was much happier without me in ur life, hope u had a good weekend as well

Later that afternoon he replied and said he wasnt happier but just he doesnt regret the break up and "misses me as a firend at the end of the day"... then right after he messaged me on MSN telling me about his haircut. I wasnt home so did not get a chance to reply....

then at night he called me and stupid me picked up and ended up talking for an hour.. he played songs for me on the guitar and sang them.. and questioned who got me flowers and what i did on valentines day, etc. stupid me.. i told him. it was bed time and we ended the call.


SO NOW... DID I MAKE A BIG MISTAKE????? SHOULD I HAVE AVOIDED CONTACT? i felt better after we talked but seems like... i "gave my game away" cuz since last night he hasnt contactd me. we saw each other on msn but didn't msg each other. when we talked last night it felt like how we talked on the phone when we went out... kidna scared me and i felt liek i had to take a step back... im just surprised he hasnt attempted to contact / msn me since last night... i know he was busy today so was i. but still.......


what should i do at this point? maintain NC?

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There is no "but now what?" It's just...NC for good...forever. He has told you that he does not regret the breakup and that he just wants to be friends. I don't think you have done anything wrong. I don't think that anything you do, say, or don't do will bring him back. I do think you should go back to NC in order to heal and move past him and the relationship. He does not want to reconcile and so you can do nothing more but to move forward without him.

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