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office e-mail/games

Cheeky Charmer

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Now I know that a) office relationships are a bad idea and b) social communication via office e-mail is even worse, but neither point concern me, especially as I'm leaving my current job soon and in the office i work in e-mails aren't monitored.


thereforeeee, just wandering if anyone knows of any good games or little ways of providing entertaining light relief via that medium. I'm getting close to this girl and she's just out of a relationship. She likes me but i need to demonstrate more value. She says I'm the funniest guy she's ever met and her job is quite dull so i like to send little quizzes and things to keep her entertained. This is gettin a bit repetitive now so i need to think of something else before finally wooing her.


Any good suggestions most welcome, particularly mind bending tricks, magic etc.


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ask question my best friend (now he's my husband) & I used to do this years ago at my boring job.

give 3 questions per email - I'd usually give 2 simplier ones, but meaningful and 1 one harder more thought provoking question. than she sends you her answers & 3 questions back she's come up with back to you.

It was fun & we learnt a lot about eachother & found out all those little things & the deeper things. Plus sometimes it's better than asking them in person cause it gives the person the time they need to think about the answer....but also good cause than if you have time to chat in person, you can still talk about those things.

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