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I put up a new thread today, "Was i good looking to a Chinese woman". because i have had a few contact me all of a sudden.


well about an hour after i posted it. one of the girl's started to talk to me. spoke to her the day before, it was around 2:45am in china at the time and she was upset. she wanted to talk to me.

she had a fight with her mother and her mother said that she wishes that she never gave birth to her.


She was going to kill herself.........


I don't know how long i spent trying to convince her not too do it, but after some time, she finally started to listen to what i said and she was so happy after the ordeal.


The whole thing got me so upset, even now i feel so strange. not sure of what was going on. i feel like I need some reassuring words myself.

this has done something bad to me this has.


I just hope she is ok.....

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I had to go out today, and when I came back this was on my computer:


Maple: are you there??

Maple: hi,i'm ok,don't worry. i want to say that my characteristic is not very outgoing~~ but now,i feel more better. thank you, if not you, i would feel very upset now~~ you are a good man! today, i apologised to my mother. In China,parents are respectable in family. Though I apologised to Mom,i also feel sad from bottom of my heat,i don't know the reason~~~ Good night!

Maple: and,thank you told me that scentence ,"I love you", nobody told me these worlds before.~~~

Maple: these words



Now I'm happy.


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