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When did you find out? How did it happen?

Delusional Kisses

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I was relieved to know. I was scared but happy at the same time. It felt like my heart fell to the floor. I was at my mothers house ... we took the test in her bathroom. When she found out she started crying, it was so cute. I wanted my mom to be there with me, she's my rock.


I called my boyfriend and told him to stop by my mothers to pick me up. He came over and when he walked in I just looked at him and smiled ... and he knew it.


It was sweet. Lots of emotions.

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I just KNEW I was pregnant before I even started having symptoms , I had my bf at the time come to my house and bring a pregnancy test, took it and as I was peeing on the stick the positive was coming out.. I about lost it! but I held it together because my parents were in the other room. I was only 16 at the time so of course I was scared out of my mind!

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My husband and I had been trying for 4 months... I was SURE this month I was not pregnant... but one day at work I got this "metallic" taste in my mouth.. its apparently a symptom.. my heart jumped a mile... When I got home from work my husband and I took a pregnancy test... I was only 3 days late... it immediately came up positive.... We just stood there staring at each other... we were soooo happy.. I almost couldnt even believe it...


We drove down to Niagara Falls the next day to celebrate! Now our little girl is just over 2 weeks old!

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I had been getting sick alot and very tired and the sore breast, and my husband said just go buy a test and see so i did, i took and it couldnt believe it at first i had to look back like 3 times and i called him he was at work and told him we were pregnant i was so happy...And very very excited!!!

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We took the pregnancy test together (in his apartment). I usually remember having to wait 1 minute to read the results and the test was instantly positive this time.

I really think it was a mix of emotion as the relationship between the dad and I wasn't very committed. We both decided to keep the baby =) Although it's working out very well now; I'm still scared to see how our lives will change in the next few days!

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