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JUST out of curiosity...


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There is this girl in my class that I am going to start working with... I was planning on getting to know her more (and the plan is in motion). The thing is, I was wondering if she actually liked me or something. I'm wondering this based on several things...


1) She laughed A LOT at me (I mean A LOT...), when I did something she thought was funny (in my opinion it wasn't THAT funny).


2) She supported and reassured me as I put doubts in my abilities.


3) She is EXTREMELY interested in things I said. THIS for A FACT I know is not common with most girls I have talked to. Girls have been very apathetic with me in conversations and some of the things I said to her that got apathetic responses from other girls, she was impressed with.


4) I asked her to study with me (I was slightly nervous as this was before I really thought about ALL of this in the topic - I was taking a RISK! She was VERY happy with the suggestion. I can not describe it any other way than that it made her VERY happy! She caught me off freaking guard with her reaction.


[Also to note (this seems somewhat minor in my opinion): We were all doing an activity and learning each others names, and she was content with me knowing EXACTLY what her name was and how to spell it]


So now here we are. I was wondering if she was just being nice, but seriously, even if I was being nice... I wouldn't do something like what was in #4. It doesn't matter, we are working together now, but I was just wondering about this. I've never seen someone act like this before. Another thing is that she is VERY cute, I've never seen a girl act like this who is VERY attractive to me (I have somewhat average standards).

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1) She laughed A LOT at me (I mean A LOT...), when I did something she thought was funny (in my opinion it wasn't THAT funny).

Do you mean stupid things you did ie tripping over yourself or jokes which were lame?


2) She supported and reassured me as I put doubts in my abilities.

She Japanese class girl number 2 right? So abilities relating to the class?

3) She is EXTREMELY interested in things I said. THIS for A FACT I know is not common with most girls I have talked to. Girls have been very apathetic with me in conversations and some of the things I said to her that got apathetic responses from other girls, she was impressed with.

What interests? I'm assuming non-common ones like I LIKE TO EAT PINEAPPLES


4) I asked her to study with me (I was slightly nervous as this was before I really thought about ALL of this in the topic - I was taking a RISK! She was VERY happy with the suggestion. I can not describe it any other way than that it made her VERY happy! She caught me off freaking guard with her reaction.

Solution: After a study session say I'm feeling hungry, thristy whatever and go lets get a drink etc. BOOYAH

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1) Well, I was yelling because I was loosing at a game we were playing, BADLY She was laughing at that.


2) Yeah, abilities in the class. I was doing bad. I've already studied several years of the language, I can tell that I'm doing bad, she insisted that I wasn't doing bad at all. She WAS speaking it better than me.


3) I was just telling her what I liked to do. And then I also told her that I should be better than I am at speaking Japanese because I took some classes prior to this one. Just her overall enthusiasm in what I was saying was very weird to me... I've never seen anything like it.


4) By the way she's acting, she may beat me to the punch eventually.

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Well, I've got an update. She has a friend in the class who she was talking to. I came in and just sat close by, and just looked in the text book, as I had no leads to get into the convo (I did try to hear one out). Frustrated with myself I started to become disheartened.


As fate would allow, I got paired with them for group work. Needless to say, I had her laughing as well as her friend. Some people even noticed during the loud groups.


I tried to be more observant this time(besides her having very pretty eyes). Umm I guess these would be highlights?


A) Slightly touched me on arm while laughing...


B) Laughed at me when I WAS NOT trying to be funny. I was looking at the teacher curiously and she laughed? She just said it was the way I was looking... I don't see how that was funny...


C) Laughed just at hearing me laugh. I was with another group near her, I was laughing and she just started to laugh too.


We got in separate groups for the presentations we have to do on Wed. She seems to get it... I'm trying hard myself. After class, me and her friend were talking, I noticed that she didn't say much then. We both studied the language before taking this class though so we were on familiar grounds... She kind of just said bye (in Japanese) to us and left. Eh, maybe she's upset a little that we didn't get to work together for this? Hopefully I didn't screw THIS up... Well I'm gonna see them Wed. All in all I had fun with them. I don't know what to do at this point actually... Can I get some help? Also opinions based on info I have presented?

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If you're not willing to act on this much information, you might never. I've been in a similar situation and not acted (well I did, but stupidly), and regretted it.


If you're already studying together (just the two of you, I assume), just finish up sometime and ask her if she wants to go get coffee. Or you could just explicitly ask her out.

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damnit see this is what angers me


you got the woman by her throat, but instead of sayin yeah im the man i got this girl now, you rather sit back and evaluate whats going on seeing it from every angle


you made her laugh she was interested in what you said, what the hell else could you want. im mean you sit there curious, there was a girl i planned on talking to also, but guess what she came up to me, i never made a post about it or looked at it, i just thumped my chest said i was the man, and went with the flow....just go with the flow.


forgive the bluntness but i dont feel well at the moment.

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Yeah, you guys are right... I'll move in for "the kill" tomorrow I guess...


It's really not rejection I'm scared of (I'm being honest here, I JUST got rejected before talking to her and I'm in a group with the girl who did and I'm okay with it). But, I have like VERY low experience in relationships and if this works out, I won't know what the hell to do and I'm just nervous because I don't know what to do.

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