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Men are interested in my dating history...

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My observations lead me to feel that sooner or later, this issue will come up in just about any relationship. What seems to work best is if both partners have similar experiences. I'm sure there are some who truly can see past it all, and may continue to do so effectively forever, but I fear that a lot of us are not that way. For example, it didn't really bother me until well into marriage, and I felt I'd missed out on things my wife hadn't as a younger person.

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i wouldnt say that its a good area of conversation to go into, but i wouldnt lie also, but i completely understand what your saying, all the men i get with usually want to know about past relationships etc. but i guess its a part of knowing you like everyones said.

would you like to know about there past? maby if they ask you, you could possibly ask them becuase then it would be open to discussion, i cant see the problem.


and lol j-boe. dont you feel that you could get too emotionally involved with her? how would you feel if she went of with another man no longer wanting sex? do you feel that you would miss her more than just the sex aspect?

just curious. kel

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