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My Problem


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I have issues with my sexuality, plainly put I don't find it easy being intimate with woman, its just doesn't happen easily, let's say i have a problem getting up for it. Anyway my sexual issues have kept me from being in the relationships I desire with woman. Growing up I learned that I couldn't be sexual with woman, it just wasn't happening down there, so throughout the years I have finally stopped trying. I do however strongly desire to be in an intimate relationship with a female, and don't get me wrong I find woman very physically attractive and do desire to be physical with them, its just that when it comes time I can't perform. So anyway this problem has lead me to end relationships, have girls walkout on me, and have broken heart after broken heart. Well what really sucks is that everytime I see a girl I want to pursue, or i could see a future with, I realize its not gonna happen for long at least. The other day my buddy and I were out at a bar and a girl he was becoming involved with showed up to meet us. This particular girl is one that liked me since like sophomore year and I liked her as well. I never took the initiative to pursue anything with her all that time cause I knew that I would only be able to take it so far, and it would eventually end as a result of my issues. Its sucks so bad because I really like this girl, as I have many others, she is super cool and we get along great but I can't do it. Later that night when my buddy was away she leaned over and said that she had given so many chances and I never took advantage, it's true, but I wish i could tell her why, but then she probably wouldn't want to see me even more. It hurts so bad when a girl flirts with me or I do them cause I see the future of the whole situation,me alone. Anyway after her comment I wanted to just kill myself, she is totally right and no girl will stick around if i can't take advantage, I just wish she knew why i haven't yet, and that I really wish I could.

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There are a few things that can contribute to erectile dysfunction, and one of those is actually having had it happen in the past. If you're sure that you're not going to be able to perform and worried about it and nervous, then it's very likely going to make you unable to have sex. Kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Do you have problems while masturbating? And have you spoken with a doctor about the problems that you've been having?

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