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Anybody here CHOOSE to be single? If so, why?


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I'm single and kind of content. Last failed attempt at a relationship kind of woke me up a bit, and now i'm going out and enjoying myself. It's kind of cool. Plus I travel loads so trying to maintain a relationship with one girl would be tricky.

That said, the best two years of my life were when I was with a girl a few years back. That was better than being single, so if I ever thought I could get something like that again I'd go for it.

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Hi everybody,


I just wanted to know if there's anybody here who chooses to be single? (As opposed to not being able to find somebody.) I just got curious because I think that people always assume that when you're single it's a bad thing. For me, I've been single for the past year and a half after a 5 year relationship. I'm completely content being on my own right now, but whenever I tell people that I'm single, they always try to set me up or give me that 'look' as if to say 'you poor thing'.


Now, don't get me wrong. I loved being in a relationship when I was actually in one, but there's something so free about being on your own. You don't have to deal with the emotional roller-coasters, you don't have to listen to the nagging, you don't have to deal with jealous rages, etc. etc. Also, I'm at a point in my life where I'm trying to get my career together and it's just easier for me to focus when I don't have to worry about a significant other.


So, if you are somebody who chooses to be single, what's your reasoning? If you're somebody who thinks that being single is somehow... i guess... 'sad'... then why do you think so? I'd love to hear your opinions![/QUO


10/4-all accross the board. I was in a 6 relationship with a man I thought was the ocean and I was the sand/ honey he did a number on me and the result is my beautiful baby girl age 6! So I have been single for the last 3 years and it does sometimes get a bit lonely but I am focused and that is what matters to me. I am content with my circumstances not happy but I am not sad, depressed or worried about anything. I do what I want, when I want and if I fall short I know it was me that caused it and no some short coming of a man. I enjoy sleeping by myself, cooking for just me andmy kid and I like doing things my own way w/o the constant pressure of worrying what he is thinking, doing, or at. It does feel good to be free and now my question is-how do you get that much needed closure to be able to leave the ex alone forever?

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well for me the lack of a love life (i.e. people reciprocating my interests) is not a choice, but being not in a relationship (i.e. being partnered and all that comes with that) is a choice. For me it's also about career and priorities. Being alone allows you to really focus on your priorities, and not get swayed by the other person, (e.g. my career would really benefit if I moved to x town, but my significant other lives here, so I'm tempted to stay put and build my life around them). I think following your passion or your calling and also having a relationship is one very challenging juggle. Many of my current heroes are married to their jobs and single. I see myself following in their footsteps. Love, no doubt will be the bumps in the road.

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