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Getting some really mixed messages

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Please take some time to read my earlier post [link removed (click) .


Well, after I made this post I took the advice of you guys and I basically didnt pay her (we'll call her diane) too much attention, I basically made her know by my actions that her behavior with me wasn't affecting me. Afterwards I got into a relationship with a girl who we'll call Sally, but that didnt work out. Now for the past month me and Diane have become better friends after i broke up with Sally. And we have been getting more and more intimate little by little. She calls me regularly and whenever we talk our conversations last for a good hour plus. Yesterday we were both on break at work and we were at the food court at the mall. We were hugging and having a nice "moment". Before this she tells me that a girl at her job likes me and wants my number. And after this were hugging and such then later on that night she calls me and we talk. My question is: Should I call her and just outright ask her how she feels about us or wait it out? From the signals that im getting she has interest in me, but its just mixed. Also, when she called me @ night she mentioned her friend again. Guys i really need some help on this.

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