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I need help bad... Advice anyone?


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I'm trying tu surpress these feelings and i just can't... I love her a lot and i miss her so damn much... I'm so weak i hate it... I can't take this pain at all.

I hear ya...that is a rough spot to be in. There is nothing I can say that will take away the pain that you are going through at this point, but there are certain things you can try to do that might help ease the pain.


Even if you do not want to, try to get out of the house and spend time with friends...or just go running if you don't want to be around anyone else. Isolation can make the world seem distant and make you feel more alone with your pain.

Exercise! Do the running with an mp3 player or lift weights. This can release endorphins in your body, which has a calming effect. You might also try taking an over the counter vitamin B complex. Proper blood levels of Vitamin B6 and B12 have been linked with a more positive mood and less irritability. This might might sound odd, but try forcing yourself to smile even when you feel bad...I think you will be surprised. Finally, don't forget to get a good nights' rest. Sleep is always important to your overall health.


Anyone that has had their heart broken has experienced the pain you are feeling and, while it seems like the end of the world for the first few months you will get better...as long as you maintain no contact with her. If you keep her pictures up and check up on her myspace or do anything else that reminds you of her, it will only prolong the pain.



There will come a time (maybe a few months from now) where you may even want to hold onto the pain as you realize that it is the last thing keeping you connected in some small way to your ex...but eventually that too will pass.


Take care Rob~

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it doesnt sound like a set up for a break-up to me , i mean shes phones you , she tell you she loves you , she tells you she'll be back


all you can do is believe her , if somewhere down the line things change - then you will have to react to those changes


just dont make her chose between you & family or friends , its nice to have all 3 if possible

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Thanks for great advice bud... I'm going to start excersing pretty soon... Right now i'm really in no mood to go running and i know i should. Last year when i was going thru my first big breakup i was feeling the same way and it was going on for 3-4months until i started talking to the current ex.


I never thought i'd be given another chance to be with someone and then she came along. She was always a girl that i thought about from before high-school... Now i have noone to think i'll end up with... I mean there isn't anyone in the world that i can say... I can try and date her or something like that...


That's why i'm so screwed up and feeling so much pain that i can't shake off... I know i'm supposed to go out and excersice, and all that... But I REALLY CAN'T... I Don't have the energy, i can't listen to stupid songs because they all seem to be about my relationship... I'm going to get those vitamins tomorrow and hope that as of next year, life will be better for me and i will never again be alone in december.


I did not contact her but i really have a strong urge just to text her and ask her why did she lie to me and what's really going on here... BUT, I'm Holding back... I also wanted to check her myspace and facebook page, but i held back... I don't know how much longer i can hold back... I wish i lost an arm or a leg or anything physical, cause that i can handle, but this pain i cannot.

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it doesnt sound like a set up for a break-up to me , i mean shes phones you , she tell you she loves you , she tells you she'll be back


all you can do is believe her , if somewhere down the line things change - then you will have to react to those changes


just dont make her chose between you & family or friends , its nice to have all 3 if possible


She only did all that while she was in her state... Since she left for Germany, i only received one text message saying that she's ok, She's "there", she couldn't get a sim card to call me, but she will email me when she can, Big Love... That's it.


To me... that looks like she doesn't want to give me her new number because i'll call or something and then i'll ruin her New relationship or something... That's what's going on in my head...


Trust me, i wish you are right more then anything in the world, but the facts are: She lied, she left, she's gone. All this pain is Unbearable... There must be an easy way to end it...

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