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Well, after taking the advice from some people on here, I stopped loving Carissa. How? I separated myself from her for a long time, until I finally didn't care. That was two months ago. Around that time, I pretty much didn't want to be with anyone, but that changed.


Some people may not like the idea of online dating, but I personally don't care. I met a girl, Lauren, and she changed me. From a negative, sheltered person to a positive, caring, loving person. We talked a lot, got to know each other, and then you know the rest. We made plans to see each other during Christmas.


Lauren, being twenty-one, is ready to make a commitment, and that's what I'm willing to do, so we're going to get married. Well, last week, she got sick, really bad, so she went to the hospital. She has Pneumonia (sp?) and something else. She also has asthma, so that doesn't help her breathing any.


The doctors lowered her asthma medication, because it might react with the other drugs they give her. When they did that, she started having really bad breathing problems. They put her on a twenty-four hour watch, and suspected everything would be fine, but when she sleeps her hearbeat goes down (a lot), so they didn't think anything of it.


When it was time for her medication, the doctors couldn't wake her up. She's in a coma. To top it off, she's having breathing problems, again. I told all of my friends to pray for her and they did. I even called people to my house and we said prayers for her. I really wish I could be there to,.. well,.. be there.


Can someone help me? I've been crying for several hours. Whoever reads this, please, pray for her. I truly love her.

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I hope she gets better and I hope you get the oppourtunity to be by her side soon. Wish you both the best, thoughts are with you both.



Tape record your voice and some music (harp, piano and instrumental soft music is theraputic, it stimulates brain cells that cause different synapsis (sp?) to fire, which is a good thing.) and send the tapes to her so they can play them for her. When my grandmother was in a coma she responded positivly to the music.

So if you get the chance, do that, it could help her quite a lot, hearing your voice and the music and all.

If you don't know what to say read a book, poetry, funny jokes, and talk about what you 2 will do when you visit during Christmas, give her something to look forward to.

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And now bad news... Her sister bought her a wireless connection card and took her laptop to the hospital. They went outside for a few minutes, and then came back in, because it was cold.


I only got to talk to her for about thirty minutes, but oh well. She went to sleep, and I just found out she's unconscious. They've inserted breathing tubes in her, and without them, she can't breathe on her own.


How can someone so wonderful have this kind of luck? It's not fair and it's not right. I want her to be safe at her house. Please, keep her in your prayers.

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