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Talked to my ex after 1 month and half

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Today is my bday and I just turned 25. Two days before my b-day my es of 3 years wrote me a letter hinting me that she needs her best friend. She has been my best friend, my woman and lover for the past 3 years. If you guys don't know about my story Pls follow this link. link removed . . We talked about things and she told me whats bothering her. I could tell that something is different with her. And I ask her if she is pregnant. She said yes. and the guy she replaced me with doesn't want the baby. His reasons were he doesn't want to be an unwed father of two ( he has already a 9 month child from a previous GF ). He wants her to give it up for adaption and he thinks legally he doesn't have a say since they are not married. I still love the girl but I told her that I can be her friend and the decision will always be between her and BF and I can only give support. I know I shouldn't be in the pic but A part of me feels she needs me but at the same time I don't want to step on his toes. I told her that I'll pray to god for her happiness and and Leave everything to god because God will make it right for her. Anybody been in this predicament before and how should I handle this situation. Should I stop talking to her and abandon her when she needs her bestfriend the most?

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sounds like your a good person. i'd definantly go with that praying to god for support. remember that this is only my opinion and its up to you to decide what to do, but i would try to be there for her as a friend if its possible for you to do that. i know it would be hard since you still love her, just try not to get your feelings for her involved in this. always help out your friends when there in need bro, even though it may be hard as hell on you. be there as support for her but dont get involved directly with the guy. ive never been in that type of situation but that is what i would do. good luck to you


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