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A bit of help please...


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Naturally every person has a sex drive, I recently split up with my ex and haven't masturbated or thought of anything until a few days ago. I didn't do anything but am feeling either nervous or anxious. I thought about masturbation but could only think of her and naturally felt It would be cruel to myself to do it.


My friend suggested that I find a girlfriend, but that would be horrible.

A) I'd never use a woman for sex.

B) It would be unfair to them seeing as it would be to get over my ex (or at least that is how I would feel).


Can anyone help me out, because I am really confused here.


Oh and I hate pornography so that's also out of the question.

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Thats a hard one....I can't masturbate without porn or anything of that sort or the only thing I will think about is my ex and it will just depress me...even when I use things like porn or whatever I still think of her, its messed up...I wish I didnt but I gotta wait till I heal for that to go away...

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As long as you know you're healthy I wouldn't worry about not masturbating. Allow yourself to grieve for what you lost and move on from there.


Does that mean that it is okay to masturbate over her? Because I think I would regain some need for her. Or do you mean not masturbate because I feel as if I need to relieve myself sexually so I'm naturally confused.

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