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my ex went on a date . . . now i'm confused

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My girlfriend of 1.5 years and I broke up about 4 months ago. It was my decision and she was hurt, but we still remain friends. I still have feelings for her, and she for me, but am afraid that if we get back together then the constant bickering will start up again, which was the problem in the first place.


About a week ago she told me she signed onto an internet dating site and has received a number of offers from guys who want to meet her. she went on a date with one of them last Friday, and plans to meet more in the future.


Now, I find that I'm very jealous at the thought of her going out with other guys.


I feel like I'm being unfair because not only did I break up with her, but I've been dating other people for a couple of months now.


Is this normal?](*,)


I'm going to talk to her about it tomorrow night and would appreciate any advice/insight on the subject before I see her

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its obvious you feel this way if you still have feelings for her, thats wahy NC is so important for both parties....


I would suggest that she is doing this purposly to make you jealous.....payback is a mofo, tread carefully, who knows she might just be leading you on.....or she might not, girls are smart they know how to get a guy back better than guys know how to get a girl back.....she may honestly want you back....


but if you talk to her about it tomorrow, then she will know why, its because shes dating again, and she might be trying to hurt you....


If you do get back together do you think she will be on ur a$$ all the time again??? there are many factors to take in here....


I dunno, talk to her, but be careful as to what you say....if you think she is doing this in spite, then there is a good chance if you get back together she will do it for the wrong reasons, to hurt you....


has she tried hard to earn back your love and your trust??? or has she played it cool since you say you have remained friends, for someone who is in love with someone it is hard to stay friends......

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What were you planning on saying to her? Realize that if it is anything short of "I love you and want you back, right now" you will look like an idiot. You cannot tell her not to date other people.


I think personally it is a case of you don't want to be with her, but you don't want her to be happy with anyone else either. That's selfish. I suggest you two break all contact, you move on, she moves on, and you go your separate ways. If you get back together with her (since that would be the only logical reason to "talk to her" about this) I believe it is probably for the wrong reasons.

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It's entirely possible that she is trying to make me jealous, and if that is the case she is doing a good job.


That having been said, we are friends and i don't think she is motivated to hurt me in any way.


haha you think so??? It has not been long enough for you guys to be friends friends - no way...be careful, im telling you...

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To be honest, im going through a similar thing at the moment, and have been through similar in the past.

Its normal to feel jealous when somebody you where in love with, or felt close to is now moving on, and you are not the person she is affectionate with anymore.


However, to think about it in a blunt fashion,


1) what do your expect her to do, and

2) what can you do about it?


I just feel that if you have split up with someone, and hurt their feelings, in reality, how the hell can you be annoyed at them for moving on, especially when you are trying to do the same as them.


You just have to bite your tongue and realise that this is the consequence of a decision that you made for the best in the long run. You cant have it both ways really. You where brave enough to end the relationship, and this is part of parcel of splitting up with someone.


Now, people have said that maybe she is trying to make you jealous, im unsure whether that is the case. For me it just shows why keeping in contact is not the best thing for you two to be doing at the moment. If you werent in contact, she wouldnt be telling you these things, you wouldnt be getting jealous. Common sense.......


Personally, I wouldnt bother seeing her tomorrow night..

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