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Sex Education is Public Schools

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The problem with sex education in public schools is not that they teach too much but that they do not teach enough. Children are taught the plumbing of sex, insert tab A into slot C, but that is it. They do not dive into the more essential issue of what does sexual intercourse mean and what is its purpose. They teach a limited biological view that reduces our sexuality and human beings to animals. Sex in its truest expression is an act of love. It is a laying down of one's life for the other (Eph 5:25). Sex is how two become one flesh. Sex is never safe. "Safe sex" is the lie that has been taught to our children. "Use protection and there will be no negative consequences." This lie has hurt many people. It has lead to broken hearts, people using and abusing each other, abortions, sexual transmitted diseases, and broken families. Sex is a powerful expression. It is the expression of love between two people and this love is able to be enfleshed and given a name after nine months. It also has the power of death through disease, abortion, and divorce. It is so powerful in fact that it can only be contained safely within the Covenant commitment of marriage. Teaching abstinence and chastity is the only way to make sure that our children are safe and that they develop the character to pick good partners and develop healthy relationships. This is only scratching the surface of the theology of human sexuality. I ask all people of good will to defend and promote the truth about the meaning and purpose of human sexuality. Here is a study that has been released. Here is just one fact that it gives.


"There is no evidence of any risk reduction for sexual transmission of human papillomavirus infection (HPV) even with 100 percent condom use."


HPV causes cervical cancer and can lead to infertility. A lot of our teens have HPV especially females and many of them do not even know it. Here is the web site.


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Here is a booklet that I encourage you to give to the unmarried people you know especially teens. It is entitled Pure Love and it is written by JASON EVERT.


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God bless

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I do agree on a few things you posted, mainly that sex is more then just plumbing, and that sex education in schools could improve,


But i am a realist.


Young adults will always be interested in sex, always have always will be. some will experiment with it at young ages.


I do agree with you that there is no such thing as 100% safe sex, and you know something, you start teaching that to people and then they will say to themselfs why take any precautions, because if your under the illusion that your gonna stop teens and young adults from having sex because of some "risk" of desease, your mistaken.


Ill give you a perfect example. Tabaco, years people been trying to "Scare" kids into not smoking, and they even see role models die from it, but they kept doing it, they only really started to reduce in numbers when it became un-cool to smoke, that was the main factor in the current reduction in young smokers.


There is no such thing as a 100% safe life either, life is a risk, there are acceptable risks and there are some that are too risky. people are not going to stop having sex anytime soon, it feels good, its an expression of love, and the risks are very very low if you take certain precautions.


Its those precautions that need to be taught to people. how to use a condom correctly, etc.. I dont live in your moral fantasy land, I live in the real world, the more you try and scare people into not having sex, the more numb they will become to the warnings and will just not do anything to protect themselfs. you may get a few people to refrain from having sex through moral scare tactics, but only a minority. its just not gonna work.

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You sidestepped my main argument. Sex has an inherent meaning. In our culture sex has two different meaning. The secular meaning is that sex is entertainment/pleasure. Now there is a lot of truth to this but it is a half-truth and a half-truth is a lie. The true meaning of sex is for bonding and reproduction in the covenant of marriage. Now sex is truly entertaining and pleasurable but this is a lesser good that is always submissive to the higher good of bonding and reproduction in a covenant marriage. In other words sex as entertainment and pleasure in only a means to the end of bonding and reproduction never an end in itself. If sex as entertainment and pleasure becomes and end in itself then the higher good of bonding and reproduction is inevitable lost and things become disordered. This is why pornography and prostitution are disordered. It is also why people who use pornography and prostitution have crappy marriages if they are able to stay married.


Now let me address your arguments. The first is that you're a realist and that kids are going to have sex anyway so why fight it. To me this is not being a realist but a fatalist. You give in before the battle even starts. You don't even try. I admit that in our sexual saturated society that chastity is hard but just because something is hard doesn't mean we should give into it. There are a number of good reason to fight even though the odds are against us. 1. Because it is the truth. 2. It give our teenagers a model of character when we stand up and fight for truth even when we could ultimately fail. 3. If we succeed our teenagers will be happier and have stronger marriages, which is the building block of society. I could give more good reasons but these should suffice.


Your second argument is that we should not try to scare our kids. This is a straw man argument. My argument was not based on a boogieman type information about contraceptives but the truth. I did not give a lot of drama about how scary the situation is. I just gave some statistics. It is not right to keep this information for kids. How are they to make intelligent discussions when the facts are not even presented to them? Despite the statistics you say "the risks are very very low if you take certain precautions". For arguments sake lets assume that the risks of diseases were totally taken out of the picture through technology. It still would not be safe emotionally. I am a social worker and have worked with kids that have attachment disorders. An attachment disorder is when the child does not bond with their parent. The child has a deep need to become close the parent but at the same time they have a powerful fear that by getting close they will get hurt. Having casual sex outside of marriage produces the same type of attachment disorder in male-female relationships. I have actually seen this with a lot of my friends. They really want to be committed to a relationship but at the same time they are deeply afraid that they will get hurt. This is because they have had sex with people and through this became attached but it was a lie and they were hurt.


In other words sex is kind of like scotch tape. It sticks to what you attach it too. But the more things that you attach it to the less ability it has to attach again. This makes for poor future marrage relationship.


But I really don't think I am going to change your opinion on this. You probably have too much to loose. You would have to change your life style. An opinion changed against ones will is of the same opinion still. But I still have to try. God bless

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