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About a month ago, I had asked my bf to try things out again and he had said yes and he even wanted to hook up that night but I said no. The next day, he said we should just be friends.


Then just today i found out that 2 days before me asking him to try things out again, he had gotten in a new relationship with another girl. I just don't understand why he did that. It's hurting me to think he could be such a creep and to know he moved on so quickly.


Sadly enough, I feel bad for the girl. To know he did that to her when they had just started a relationship together. I think it's so disrespectful. Yet, I'm starting to feel very lonely again and somewhat betrayed. To think i wanted something more from this guy.


HELP!! I'm starting to doubt my worthiness as a person.

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Don't feel bad for the girl. Sounds like he might have just been blindsided by your saying you wanted to get back together, then realized it was best for you to stay apart. He probably still cares for you a great deal, but feels he can't go back. He did nothing to her. Starting to see someone new isn't a "relationship". It's dating, unless they're totally committed already.


Don't doubt your worthiness. He's not the right guy for you. This is another step toward your future, which will most likely include someone who will love and respect you totally. You really have to let go of this guy in order to move forward. That's what I keep telling myself, but then, I've got my own issues.

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