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I feel bad what should I do


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Story is things were not good I thought about breaking up with her but did not. 1 week later she breaks up with me. We agree to remain friends, had a good time as friends on the 1 day we went out. 2 weeks later she sends me that. I have already met someone new and moved on. And I thought she was not bothered about me and now this.


Moving on seems quick but in reality we have not properly been together for like a month and a half before the break up hence the break up. Now 2 weeks have past after that and I met this really great girl. We have stupid amounts in common and both really like each other. Now how do I take this situation with the ex?

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When people break up from a failed relationship, they are going to feel bad if they are "feeling people" at all. The fact is that she broke up with you because she recognized (and you acknowledged) that the relationship wasn't working any more.


I can't really advise what you should do though because I don't know enough to say if you can be just friends or not. A good test is "how do you both feel about the other moving on?"


You have a new girlfriend ... is she truly happy about that? Does she wish you well from her heart and not just her words?


What if she were to get a new boyfriend ... would you be happy for her? No pangs of jealousy or pain?


If you can answer "yes" to all those questions for both of you, maybe you can be friends and stay in contact. If not, you would be better off staying apart at least for a while.



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I know what you mean, I would like to think I would be ok to see her with another guy but I'm really not sure if I would. I guess only time will tell wont it. And as for relationship I was with her for like 1 and 3/4 years. And the other girl I would not say she is my girlfriend more so we are just dating but I know she is very much into me.


Should I tell me ex about her or not, maybe I should only say if she asks so im not lying about it. Think I might give it a few weeks first until her emotions have settled.



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Since she's the one asking for a friendship, yeah ... i'd tell her you are involved ... don't minimize it by saying "oh, we are just dating." Not because you have to ... you are free to see whomever you want ... but because it will give her a reality check as to whether she can be your friend right now.


If your feelings are ambiguous as well, it might not be in your best interest to be friends at this time.



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