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lower, lower, LOWER!


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I do not like what my penis represents and I loath what it keeps telling me but I am neither gay nor willing to chop it off..


I would like to stop the signals it gives me..


how do I lower/stop my sex drive?


I heard that black willow bark is good but cant find anywhere to buy the stuff.. I get plenty of spam in my email about "INCREASE SHLONG AND DRIVE!!!", well wheres the "LOWER LIBIDO AND DISTRACTING INSTINCTS!!" ones, I would click in an instant..

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Supposedly chaste berry and hops as well as black willow can have that effect. A store with a wide selection of herbals, or a natural products store, will probably carry them in tablet form, but make sure to ask a doctor or consult an herbalist about the correct dosage for the specific effect you want since many herbs have a multitude of uses, and the wrong dose can either be useless or dangerous depending.


You might also want to consider looking into practicing some form of meditation or yoga, some form of mental discipline as an alternative to relying on a chemical if you're sure you want to lower your physical desire and reactions, safer and longer lasting IMO.

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Well, most monks practice discipline, and many aesthetics, and they're celibate, so it might be something else to look into - hey, you're overcoming a natural reaction, so it might not be easy going, and take a bit of experimentation and maybe some things in combination to find what works best for you. G'luck!

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I am just curious why your having difficulty with something that naturally all men deal with.


remember the saying, "its not nice to fool with mother nature"


females have their problems with menstration and menopause in their lives among other things. (yeah I know all womens problems start with "men" lol) yet they deal with it.


Mens problems are minor in comparison, all we really need to do is discharge once in a while to recycle those old cells down there. if you dont, your body will find the way to do it for you through wet dreams or or just making you even more horny. in other words your working against your body instead of with it.


as for White Willow bark, Salicin is the active ingredient in that, basically its asperin. so I dont think that will slow you down any, sure doesnt lower my desires as I take it everyday as part of my ECA stack (Ephedra Caffeine Aspirin) for staying lean.


You know that if you think its distracting now, imagine how prostrate problems will distract you later in life. So you see, Im at peace with my natural functions, maybe you should call a truce with your body and learn to live with it instead of against it. you have started a war that shouldnt have begun, and shouldnt win.

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