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I need to distance myself


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I fear that If I don't distance myself from this girl, I'll end up getting hurt...Again, It's been happening for about a year, I'll fall for her, get too close and get burned.


I need to distance myself from her, but...She's a drug, and I'm hooked, it reminds me of the song "Poison" By Alice Cooper. Is there any help on how to get away from her? It's not as easy as it sounds... I long for her voice, but, what's the purpose of covering rotting meat with honey anyway?

I'm sorry if my thoughts are kinda jumbled, I'm a wreck right now.](*,)

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I hear you buddy, just use your will power to make it happen by creating a successful environment.


While you have the will, delete her form your facebook/myspace, online stuff.

Delete her phone and block her emails.


It makes NC far far eaiser if you do these things while you still have the drive. That way when you are tested it will be far and few between. Set yourself up for success.

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Hang in there bro. Delete all her contact information and take it one day at a time. If you do that, each day will be easier than the last, and you'll make it through. I know the feeling. I've been going through it too, and I have to say that I am doing much better than I was not too long ago. You can do it!

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God this is really tough...What If she talks to me about it, what do I say then just "Hey I love you but I need to get away from you."?



Basically, yes.


You can do whatever you want. NC is about you and it's for you. It's about giving you time to distance yourself from the girl and live life without her. A detox.


If she contacts you, you can respond however you want. You can tell her to leave you be, you can tell her that you miss her but you need to be alone or you could not respond at all. Up to you.

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