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Do you think my cousin is being emotionally abusive to me?


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Hes much older than me ,im 25, my cousin-he is 50,hes married, no kids. im starting my career, i never had much to do with him, he lived 5 hours away, was never friendly or tried to get to know me, just one of those fake family members who you see only x-mas, thanksgivng. I tried being friendly by sending him friendly emails, no response. Asked him to call me when he watches a movie i reccomennded, he says"oh your phone is always busy" i say leave a message, he sayd "oh",, offered him , his wife and their 12 yr old niece free tickets and backstage passes to justin timberlake show,, his 12 yr old niece told me she loves justin timberlake so i offered..

i never got a reply back..then i asked him what happened, he says"oh it was too far"


(I told them earlier i could arrange since my bfrnd works in entertainment biz, they said "oh yes wed love that")


I also brought him really nice christmas gifts every year, last year he said "why r u buying me nice gifts"? I said well i know what u like, he said "umm but still why"?


So now i got a new job in a great position, he asked me last i saw him "hows work", I said great mentioned my new job and all the traveling im doing now"

He didnt smile, he says "Well what r u doing when u travel"? I explain to him, then he says very stern INTIMADATING WAY "Umm are traveling to Washington too"? I said no just LA,

I thought it was weird question, then he stares me down and says nothing.

Now my Mom says he called her and wants to know the exact street I work on and she told him.


Whats up with him? and weird? rude?


the reason i was friendly is cause my Mom says hes so nice and her fav nephew, thought maybe there was something wrong with me, so i reached out to him

i think she doesnt know him well


Im feeling really stupid and disrespected by him

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my mom went tho the samething with her brother who is a jehova witness. and because of his beliefs he couldnt have much contact with her because she wasnt a witness.... so my mothers told herself that if he didnt want to talk to her then she wasnt going to put her self in the way of be hurt so she didnt so i think maybe you are being emotionally abused

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I think, from what you mentioned, that he is simply TOXIC.


I think that if you show yourself friendly, and you are frequently questioned on your motives, or they make you feel like something is wrong with you, or that you feel you need to defend yourself all the time, then DROP THEM.


You can be friendly, still, but don't go out of your way to pursue a relationship with them. They are toxic to you, like applying bleach to your skin each day - it may not kill you, but you sure might get a bad rash or get sick. Why would you do that?


In that sense, your cousin is being plain rude or mean to you, as if he is superior to you in some way. That's a BIG RED FLAG, cousin, and yes, that's a form of abuse!!!!

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