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Time Management


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I really suck at time management, in terms of my career, I'm good with managing time for that, but in terms of being productive in my personal life, it's hard to manage my time well so I can accomplish everything I need to do in a weekend while still having fun and hanging out with my friends.


How do you manage time so well?

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It might sound lame.. but I have Outlook and I really make a point to schedule things in my To-Do-List. It's always there to continually nag you, until you just get it done so you can check the little box off. There is also something strangely satisfying about seeing the item get a nice slash through it.

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I also use outlook but use it in particular to remember when a friend is having an important interview, an important doctor's appointment, coming back from a vacation, etc - people love when you remember stuff like that and so even if you are not as available to hang out, you're not on the "bad" list. As far as social life - I make plans and stick to them because I hate being late or being unreliable, so that is a good motivation. also if i have a hectic week at work I make sure not to overschedule my weekend - even with fun stuff - because I need that unstructured mellow time.

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I really suck at time management, in terms of my career, I'm good with managing time for that, but in terms of being productive in my personal life, it's hard to manage my time well so I can accomplish everything I need to do in a weekend while still having fun and hanging out with my friends.


How do you manage time so well?


What are you doing on the job that is working for you? Whatever that is try to apply it to your personal life.


What is it that is making you feel you can't do it all ? Figure out what your derailers are and formulate a more efficient plan around them as well as contingency plans.


For me, if I know i have a lot to do over the weekend and still want to go out and have a good time I just create lists. Either online or on a notepad, really doesn't matter. Just write down EVERYTHING you need to accmoplish and then priotize it. Make sure you go down the list in order of priority and if you find you are running out of time then those that are very low in priority perhaps can be bumped ahead to another day, perhaps you make a commitment to do those after work one day during the week to free up a little extra time on the weekend.


And think about logistics when you create your list to make most use of time. When i have housework i do one room at a time vs scattered all over the place. I plan it in my head so that my time is spent wisely and on the offchance i don't finish at least a few rooms will be 100% done.


Begin planning your weekends during the week and like batya said dont plan it too full. Do add in time for "downtime" in your schedule or come monday morning you won't feel all that refreshed and relaxed. I ALWAYS try to schedule my weekend so that come sunday evening i have time to sit back and unwind with no activities to complete. Of course sometimes a fly gets in that ointment of a plan but i try to stick to it.

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