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I'm a fool! Dirty stinkin' fool.


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Hi everyone,


I promised to give you guys that reposonded to my thread and that have helped me an update.


After checking into things, i've realized that he isn't cheating after all. Ya know, this morning i was really shaking my head.... If he was cheating, he wouldn't have needed all that porn that i was complaining about now would he? I don't know why that didn't register in my head before.


If cheating was the reason why things in the bedroom have changed, then I'm sure that he wouldn't need porn for a release everyday. He'd be getting his sexual release from somewhere else.


We had a long heart to heart talk, one night after attempting sex. He went limp again, and he was sooo frustrated, almost to the point of tears. I guess it's been happening not only with me, but while he's been alone as well He's very worried about it, and it's not only that. He also has concerns about me and the baby. He feels so weird about having sex knowing that his son is inbetween us. He's not scared of hurting him, like i thought.


Anyway, after that happened I comforted him, and tried to make him feel better. Things have been ALOT better between us sexually ever since.


I've realized that i let my paranoia and insecurities get the best of me. Yes, there were signs that things weren't right. I acted on them, and have come to find that he isn't cheating, he's being true. I'm the a$$ that was checking up on him. I feel terrible for it, but I can't tell him. He will be furious, and i don't know if he'll forgive me. He knew that i was suspicious already, but he didn't know how far i let them take me.


Am i a horrible person for not telling him?

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no don't tell him how far you've gone to check up on him. just as long as u now know who the real fool was, u have settled the matter on your own. now, things are better in the relationship, so keep working on bettering the relationship. continue to be comforting and loving.


i'm glad that u have come to a good closure of your paranoia. don't let another start up... change yourself to become more trusting.

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*waves back*


How's the baby doing by the way? Do you know if it's a boy or girl????




The baby is doing great. He's (i suspect ... lol) growing like crazy, and man he's TOUGH! I'm six months and his kungfu kicks are already sometimes painful.


We couldn't determine the sex, unfortunatley. But I have a feeling it's a boy.


I have SPD, pretty bad. Which really bytes, but as long as he's fine. . . It's ALL good.

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I would not tell him that you have been snooping.

My daughter's father decided to snoop on me and came up with nothing as well... only, I found out about it. That was the beginning of the end for us.


No, I'm not going to tell him. Although i'm sure he'd forgive me, there's no use because it it would hurt him, and he'd be angry for a while. Sometimes the saying is true "what you don't know, won't hurt you"


I trust him now, some good has come out of it. It sucks that it took that, to make me see that he is being true to me now. He has really changed his ways compared to the past.

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