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Wats the best way to ask for a girls number URGENT


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Ok well im a gal, I can give tell you how we like to get approached.


Don't look like a freak and be on there case. Give them room to breath.


First the whole night eye the gal up to see if you get a reaction, if ya then smile and if she smiles back, then that's your queue after a while.. . go up to her and say


"hi, can I ask what your drinking?"


and she will tell you,


"can I get you another one? "


If she say yes then get talking to her.


"where you from"

"you with friends"


After that


"I would really like to call you sometime, maybe if I could get your number.?"


If you get it wicked, if not , or looks a bit off, double minded before she says no say..


"don't wanna push my luck so how about ill give you my number and hope you will call me at some point"


hope this helps.

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Like Dream says, check her out, if you get a smile, go talk to her. Chat for a bit about anything, most importantly dont hang around so long that the conversation dwindles to an embarresing silence cos you will have missed the opportunity, when you feel your running out of things to say just say to her it was nice talking to her and your gonna go and see what your friends are up to, just before you go though, hit her with it, just say "hey, listen we should hook up sometime, whats your number?", this will take balls because your not really asking her for the number, your telling her to give it you but the advantage is she will like your confidence in saying it this way and it'll be hard for her to say no.


It wont work everytime, no method ever will, but it is certainly the most successful method I (and my mates) have ever used.


Go forth and land those numbers fella.


Good luck.

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Here's a good one I discoved works and you can do it if you're in school. In our school, the teachers tell you to get the phone numbers of one or two classmates in case you're sick. Then, you ask the girl u like for her phone number and success!! If she says no and you and her don't have any type of history with her, she probably isn't all that great a person anyway. This worked for me. Hope this strategy helps.


P.S-what I did was act like I needed a number from someone without saying anything while standing near her. If she's samrt, she'll know what you need. Otherwise, just ask her. You have nothing to lose.-just look it up in the phonebook as your last resort.

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