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too fast!


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hi, i met this gal on the internet and we started talking a lot and its really good we get along great but shes been sending me all these pictures of herself and i think shes really starting to like me like she said the other day she loved me and then asked me if i loved her too i told her wed only known each other a month and asked her to slow down but shes still acting like this a lot.


i like her and would like to meet her but she lives a long ways away and im a little freaked out by how much attention shes giving and wanting. she always wants to get on webcam and wants me to phone her and stuff but i just feel like were going way too fast.


please help!

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its tough cos everyone is different and what you may consider fast is not fast to another person - and she obviously doesnt think its that fast. i like you do think its fast. you have time, its not like your moving overseas tomorrow so just keep letting her know that its a lil too fast and youd like it to slow down a little. repetition is good. make sure u do all the steps too, like photos, phone convos, web convos, sms, webcam etc before you jump straight to meetin up. do it all till your comfortable. i also would advise that when you DO meet up, do something nice and social and relaxed and fun...like bowling and lunch etc. i once met someone i spoke to on the phone all the time but when we met it was awkward. we were young and chose to meet at a shopping centre but we got bored looking around and it was a little awkward so yea, make sure u do something that is fun and will distract you both from the potential of awkwardness.


also u mentioned that your gettin freaked out by how much attention shes demanding. if your not the type that likes someone to cling onto you ALL THE TIMR (like me) then this could be a sign shes like that >_

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There is one thing I have learnt so far, if someone is claiming that he/she feels love that fast like in a month as you said, there is something weird about it, it would be a red flag for me.

No one can love another in a month online, because there is a lot to learn about someone and when it's online it's harder to get to know because you can't see her live, can't hear her voice live. You can see her trough webcam and hear her from phone but still these arent enough to understand specially in a month.

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she hasnt had any other relationships but i have


i dont want to be a couple with someoen i cant see either and she acts like were a couple already when i cant even date her right now i dont want to hurt her and i want to date her someday cause shes great but shes freaking me out right now!! how can i not hurt her?

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god. argh. she is so damn clingy. i turn on my computer and she immidiatly jumps me. if i'm busy to talk to her she gripes at me and gets all sad and depressed. i'm to the point of hiding from her by not logging onto the internet. >


she's a nice girl and i like her but why is she doing this its driving me crazy!

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Tell her that you are not comfortable being in touch more than once a week for a half hour or so and that if you two decide to meet you will talk more at that time. If she is "normal" she will be ok with that - she sounds like a clingy/needy/obsessive person - not very nice at all.

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