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controlling new girlfriend

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My ex and I lost a child thru miscarriage in May of last year. I have since moved closer to my family and away from him. I did this because after I lost the baby, he completely avoided me and ran away from everything. He left me alone. I was living 6 hours from my family and he did anything he could to stay away from what happened. Over the last month or so, he has finally started talking to me about what happened. But now he has this new girlfriend that wants him to have NOTHING to do with me. They've only been dating for about 2 months. She's 8 years younger than I am. (He's 5 years younger than I am) I'm suppose to go down and see and talk to him this weekend, but she insists she needs to be there too. As far as I am concerned, she wasn't there when I got pregnant, so I really don't feel that she need to be part of our discussions about it now. Any ideas??

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The new girlfriend has a right to be this way, I believe. Since you and your ex are broken up, there is really no point in talking to him about this type of thing unless you are wanting him back, which is probably what she is afraid of. I mean, you and this man are not together anymore but you still want to get together to tell him what an ass he was by not supporting you?? Why do you need to get together and have a long drawn out discussion about it, and if you insist on being "alone" with her boyfriend, she's gonna take that as even more reason to think you are sniffing around him and trying to break them up. Let her have him, and don't try to talk with him,,,he abandoned you in your time of need, get someone better.


[ This Message was edited by: kamurj on 2002-03-31 14 ]

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  • 5 years later...

I feel your pain, today my Uncle and his Girlfriend lost there child to miscarrage, she was only 9 weeks in but, its hard, I believe that you and your ex need to talk, share your thoughts and feelings, it was something that would have changed your lives forever. I don't think that this new girlfriend has the right to say that you two can't talk alone, and if he's willing to then I think its time!


Thats my thoughts, hope it works out for you!



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