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for the first time since the break up, my nightmare has come true and im left in and alone on a Saturday night. my best friend just bailed on me and im so upset and depressed. i dont know what to do with myself. im hysterical. and next wkend i was sposed 2 b away with my bf celebrating our anniversary and every1 is busy next sat 2. i miss him so much and i bet hes out having fun. i dont know what i did to deserve this.

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I know how you feel. But really have a good think. What is SO SO terrible at being IN on a saturday night? I know you didnt CHOOSE to be in...and if you had it wouldnt be bad at all....but it isnt the end of the world. You make it as bad and as terrible as you want it to be. Find something to do that you enjoy. At the minute i am so knackered from working all week that most fri/sat nights i stay in and relax, get jobs done round the house, catch up on my fav tv shows and ring my friends and catch up with them than go out currently...


...I dont really know where this stigma comes from about staying in on a saturday night...for me saturday night was never really a big party night but i think that was cos i always worked on a sunday!


Dont be hysterical. There is no need. Can you go out tomorrow night instead? Arrange something for another night. And dont dwell on next saturday night, plan stuff that YOU want to do FOR YOU. As for tonight, have a nice bath, some good food, a good book or a good film and RELAX...its just one night in the whole of your life xxx

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I hardly ever go out on a friday or saturday night. In fact, weekends mean practically nothing to me. You're sad that the two of you are broken up and your would-be anniversary is coming up. That's where the pain lies...not because you aren't doing anything.


Think about it...would you be this upset if you two were together, but your bf was away for the weekend and you had no other plans and were staying in?


But I know how you feel. I get depressed and lonely on weekends when I don't go out. But to be honest, recently I feel better when I stay at home rather than go out. I find something to do by myself, rather than go out and pretend to have a good time. If you aren't with the right crowd (or person) then it just isn't any fun.

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I hardly ever go out on a friday or saturday night. In fact, weekends mean practically nothing to me. You're sad that the two of you are broken up and your would-be anniversary is coming up. That's where the pain lies...not because you aren't doing anything.


Think about it...would you be this upset if you two were together, but your bf was away for the weekend and you had no other plans and were staying in?


But I know how you feel. I get depressed and lonely on weekends when I don't go out. But to be honest, recently I feel better when I stay at home rather than go out. I find something to do by myself, rather than go out and pretend to have a good time. If you aren't with the right crowd (or person) then it just isn't any fun.


very well put.

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I know how you feel, my first few weekends alone after both my break-ups where terrible. It's a pattern you created so it's tough to break.

Over time you will create new Fri and Sat nights and you won't even think about it.

For now,be sad, cry and then move on from it.

What you should do is call a few friends and go out and have some fun.

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But I know how you feel. I get depressed and lonely on weekends when I don't go out. But to be honest, recently I feel better when I stay at home rather than go out. I find something to do by myself, rather than go out and pretend to have a good time. If you aren't with the right crowd (or person) then it just isn't any fun.



I agree, trying to go out to numb the pain in my experience just makes it worse. I've gotten so home is a refuge, even as it's still hard on weekends I would prefer to be alone at home than feel alone out with others....

Last night I had a woman friend over for dinner....made salmon, twice baked potatoes, martinis....could have been very romantic (I think she was hoping) but I was grateful that after dinner she left about 10...having her here was a big step, as this is the first woman I've cooked for since my ex and I broke up 5 months back....but make no mistake about it, I was glad to be alone for the night, as being with the wrong woman at this point would simply bring back longing for my ex that I'm trying to finally rid myself of once and for all.


It's sounds so trite, but it really is about becoming your own best friend. Then spending time with others is something you choose to do, not because you feel so needy and desperate.

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