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I'm curious to know what you think would be something sexy, passioniate, sweet or romantic to say when makin love to your girl, and you women can respond to this one to because im curious to hear what you would want said to you if your in this position.

Should these little sayings be short and sweet, or what? i need advice on this one, i've never really been good with communication.

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well it depends if your in love with the girl ur shagging, and if she loves you, my bf once sed to me "were not having sex any more" and i replyied with a puzzled look, and he sed "were making love"

i was like awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! so sweet! but thats if ur in love n u wana be romantic sweet, i duno wot else u cud say, depends how much u love her, make her smile, all girls like a bit of sweetness! be sweet! xx

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Hey, Simply....nice to see you around, haven't seen you in awhile!


In answer to your question, tell her what you're thinking....if you think her skin's soft, say so....if her eyes are dark and sexy-looking, tell her that....if you love the way she touches you, tell her that.....if she makes your heart race when you're with her, tell her that....etc....etc....lol


There's really no art to it, just tell her how you're making her feel and what she does to you. Women LOVE hearing a guy respond to their touch or the way they can make a man feel good. It's the quiet ones who don't make a sound that drive us nuts! (Doesn't mean you have to holler like Tarzan, but make a LITTLE noise...lol) Just go with the moment....women want to hear that you appreciate them being in your bed, and why. Go with it from there.



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I'm curious to know what you think would be something sexy, passioniate, sweet or romantic to say when makin love to your girl, and you women can respond to this one to because im curious to hear what you would want said to you if your in this position.

Should these little sayings be short and sweet, or what? i need advice on this one, i've never really been good with communication.


A good start is to "say" what you "feel". You used some KEY words/emotions in your question... implement ALL of these. Whisper sweet, romantic and passionate little nothings into her ears... and say them with conviction! Most Women LOVE to hear men verbalize the effect they have on Men, altho' MOST wouldn't appreciate outbursts tbat mimic a cheap PORNO Movie! Let her know SHE drives you wild and that she intoxicates you thoroughly. Focus on those things that SHE ALONE makes you feel. Tell her she's Sexy, exciting, beautiful, breathtaking, spellbinding, and that you simply can not get enough of her.


Unfortunately, I usually get Men who say NOTHING either prior to or even during love making. Just ONCE I'd love to hear whispered in my ear "I can't wait to get you home so that I can make mad passionate love to you" or during the act, things to the effect of "You feel so good... this is so good" (what have you)


Another GREAT pointer.... Don't underempahsize KISSING either. Women love to KISS as much (and some even more) than they love the Sex act itself. So, get those Kisses in with the breathy passionate verbalizations. You'll knock her socks off and curl her toes at the same time!




Just a small excerpt from THIS Woman's perspective.

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Thanks for all of your advice, especially MAR and BLONDE AMBITION, that stuff is gold, you two are evil geniousess, me likey... ...it's kinda common sense, i should already have known this but hearing it from another stand point helps alot, so thanks again,


Hey MAR, pm me, tell me whats up, i have'nt heard from you in a while because i have'nt really been on this site, i've been out practicing the advice you've given me ...so i'll talk to you lataz

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