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What do you make of this.


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Hey all.


Some of you may know my story. Some may not. For those of you that don't. My bf and I have been having problems with sex the past two months.


I'm pregnant. I'm not sure whether it's the fact that i'm pregnant and getting bigger, he's cheating on me, or what he says is true. The fact that i don't cum every time, bothers him. Also, he says that i put pressure on him.


Well lastnight he said something that bothered me. I wanted to know what your take on it is. I thought it was pretty crappy.


After we had sex. He (supposedly came) and then he didn't pull out he just kept going. Do men do this by the way? Is it possible? Or did he fake it?


Anyway, afterwards I told him that I love to watch him come, and the next time we have sex, i'd like him to come all over my breasts. He seemed interested, and then he said "So, say if you fall asleep later, and i get aroused, and start to jerk it, can i come in here and finish off on you?"


I said "NO!" We've had problems about this before, him watching to much porn and masturbating, and it seems theres nothing left. He doesn't seem to desire me any more.


I thought this was weird. Like maybe he was faking it. Because he kept going afterwards so it was impossible to tell, and then like what i asked of him was a challenege, he'd rather beat off himself and then come to me?


Then this morning I started playing with him hoping to get a quickie, he never made a move for me, and he just finished himself off right there, and left me aroused with no where to go except the shower. * * *? THen he tells me that's what he thought i wanted him to do!


I'm so frustrated. What is your take on this? I really don't know what to think.

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#1- If my lady asked me to cum on her breasts next time, I would start the mood right then. Thats hot when a girl asks you to do that.


#2- Why in the hell would he need to watch porn, then come in and finish on you? * * *? thats a little...odd, to say the least. However, IMO, it would be hot if you two (putting myself in his shoes, simply to evaluate situation were watching it together and that took place. But w/e, its not me.


I don't know what to think either. I DO NOT understand how these guys who have ladies in the next room would rather smack it themselves than to go a couple rooms away and get everything that spanking it simulates. No matter how tired, or how WHATEVER I am, I will ALWAYS prefer the feel of a woman to my own hands. Thats just not even a comparison. Although over all this time I have gotten good at it


I would say that he sounds like he has some sexual issues, but I don't know him from anyone else. So...


Anyways, I SO wish my baby momma was even remotely like this with me, we may still be together. He should feel lucky.

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Is it possible for a man to fake it this way? to keep going after he says or acts like he's came?


I can't believe it has come to this (no pun intended) that I'm actually questioning if my MAN is faking it. Ugh. I think i'm gonna be sick.


My girlfriend is like you and doesn't come all the time. And sometimes if I finish too fast or before her I still continue the thrusting in some hopes that maybe she'll get off.


Though parts of your story tell me that he doesn't care about your needs(when he just finished and left u horny, which is not cool at all and can be very fustrating) so maybe he could be faking it.


A sure sign that he came is that he will go limp. I know if my girl is getting my horny and I dont cum im pitching a tent till I do.

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My girlfriend is like you and doesn't come all the time. And sometimes if I finish too fast or before her I still continue the thrusting in some hopes that maybe she'll get off.


Though parts of your story tell me that he doesn't care about your needs(when he just finished and left u horny, which is not cool at all and can be very fustrating) so maybe he could be faking it.


A sure sign that he came is that he will go limp. I know if my girl is getting my horny and I dont cum im pitching a tent till I do.


That's what made me wonder if he was just faking. Because he was still hard and kept thrusting.


THen afterwards, he said "your the first person that i've remained hard with, and have been able to keep going afterwards, in the past, all i've ever wanted to do is roll over and go to sleep."


But, it always makes me wonder, because hes' told me that with his ex, their relationship was mainly sex, the only thing holding them together. I guess they had amazing sex.


He's worried that he doesn't do it for me because i don't come all the time, and i'm worried that it's boring with me, or that he doesn't desire me anymore.



I don't know.

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I'd be pretty insulted if someone looked at porn while I was sleeping and dumped his load on me. No way I'd participate in that.


I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who found that inquiry of his dispicable. Sheesh.


It was like, what the hell? Why don't you make love to me instead and then come where i asked you too? It's like he found the request i made desirable, but then wanted to leave the sex out? Ugh. I literally fel sick about this


Then this morning, was even worse!

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Maybe he is not repulsed, but afraid of harming you or is turned off about being sexual because his kid is stashed only a couple inches away from where he is getting his freak on?


As far as the spray the b00bies goes, you did ask him to do that, right?

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Maybe he is not repulsed, but afraid of harming you or is turned off about being sexual because his kid is stashed only a couple inches away from where he is getting his freak on?


As far as the spray the b00bies goes, you did ask him to do that, right?

Yes, i asked him, and he was kind of surprised. It was after we had sex. His answer was... "so later on, if your sleeping and i get horny and start jerking off, can i come in here and finish on your boobs?" Gee.... that would do alot for me


It's not the end of the world if he is, EllisBreaks.


I think my husband was a little turned off by me when I was expecting our first. Two tears in a bucket.


When are you to give birth?


It sure feels like it is, when your getting bigger and feeling like an unattractive cow, and your hormones have turned you into a sex crazed lunatic. It's all i think about. All i do is masturbate constantly. Then i get bitter because i have a man that should be doing it for me, but he just doesn't care to. He's rather sit infront of the computer. Or cheat. Who knows what he's doing.


January 12 is my due date.

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I was hoping it would be over soon.


I used to feel like the ugliest cow. But just as fast as he turned off, he turned back on. I lost the weight easily afterward, thanks to a baby who had colic for three months.


It's got to get better. Just hang in there at least until after the pregnancy, and see how things turn out then. It could turn completely around for you.

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There are men who are repulsed by pregnant women.


Yep, I was one of those people.


Then when my ex got pregnant, I found it to be INCREDIBLY sexy, and a turn on in itself. Ever since then I have found (almost) all pregnant women to be very sexy.


My point is that if he is into you, you being pregnant with his child should make him want you more. However not all men handle things the same. I think its just a matter of how into the person the guy really is. My opinion of course.

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I can see how that would bum you out. he's not mr sensitive is he.


Maybe he was making a wise-assed remark?


No, he was quite serious. I was shocked by his question, and hurt at the same time. I said "NO! Why the heck would you ask me that? Sheesh" the he came to me, laughed and kissed my forehead, and said sheepishly "ok ok, i was just checking to see what kind of parameters there were" Which was just an excuse and cover up for his STUPID question.


It wasn't the only insensitive jerky thing he said lastnight. Earlier in the evening, I was going to see my friend that just moved into town, and he asked me "Honey did you sleep with her in the past?" (i've never been with a woman, but consider it a worth while experiment) I said "No!" then he said , "Will you sleep with her in the future?" ~ Like he wanted to watch my friend get off. I was pretty hurt by that.


Usually that kind of talk doesn't bother me in the least, but given our problems, and the fact that i've been burned my my last 2 best female friends terribly, ESPECIALLY after we just had a discussion about the said "burns" not 20 minutes before really leaves me hurt.


Then the episode this morning made it even worse. It all put me in a very depressed mood. He keeps asking whats wrong, what did he do.... It kind of makes me wonder and scratch my head, how he couldn't know.:sad:

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Then the episode this morning made it even worse. It all put me in a very depressed mood. He keeps asking whats wrong, what did he do.... It kind of makes me wonder and scratch my head, how he couldn't know.



See, that's the thing, it doesn't matter what's supposed to be, what matters is you should discuss what bothers you.


Don't let those things build up, don't hold them in, there's no need to fight or blame, just express how you feel.



Most people here will agree it was insensitive what he said about porn but he's not getting it so you're the only one left to inform him.

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See, that's the thing, it doesn't matter what's supposed to be, what matters is you should discuss what bothers you.


Don't let those things build up, don't hold them in, there's no need to fight or blame, just express how you feel.



Most people here will agree it was insensitive what he said about porn but he's not getting it so you're the only one left to inform him.


See that's the thing, we have been over this sex thing too many times. We agreed yesterday, that we needed to let go, and stop worrying if we are pleasing eachother, and just go with the flow. If i bring it up again, it will be like me putting pressure on the subject again, as well as the porn thing, and it will make him feel uncomfortable and touch me even less.


This morning i started to initiate something, I started feeling him up, and Then he started jerking off. Next thing you know he was done, and i was super turned on, with nothing to do but go shower. I comented on it, and he stupidly said "What? I thought that's what you wanted me to do?????" * * *??? I've been on his case about pron, and masturbating and him never touching, me.... how on earth could he think that I WANTED him to get off right there and then WANT to walk away all horny?


It's mind boggling, because he's a very smart man. It almost seems as if he's doing this shyte on purpose. Because he can't possibly be that clueless.

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Hmmm, definitely not typical.


So you are saying that you guys started to mess around, then he just choked the one-eyed snake, finished, and left it at that?


Never in my life have I (nor will I) do that. I hope I am not weird, but I would think that someone else doing my (boring) job would be SOOO much better. Well its not that I would think that, because in my experience it IS definitely better.

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Hmmm, definitely not typical.


So you are saying that you guys started to mess around, then he just choked the one-eyed snake, finished, and left it at that?


Never in my life have I (nor will I) do that. I hope I am not weird, but I would think that someone else doing my (boring) job would be SOOO much better. Well its not that I would think that, because in my experience it IS definitely better.


I know! I'm just so messed up about all of this. :sad:

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Don't mess yourself up. You are pregnant, no? I believe thats what I saw before and don't have time to go back and check so disregard this if I am wrong....but don't forget about all the hormones running wild inside you right now. It is very likely some of this is being built up more than needed due to your bodily changes.


On the porn/spanking-instead-of-sex thing....have no idea like I said before...it baffles me

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Don't mess yourself up. You are pregnant, no? I believe thats what I saw before and don't have time to go back and check so disregard this if I am wrong....but don't forget about all the hormones running wild inside you right now. It is very likely some of this is being built up more than needed due to your bodily changes.


On the porn/spanking-instead-of-sex thing....have no idea like I said before...it baffles me


Yup, i'm pregnant. I know that my hormones are raging, and if i wasn't pregnant then i wouldn't have been so upset about this. But my take on it is, if this happened while i wasn't pregnant, i wouldn't be so confused about WHY he's acting this way. I'd be able to eliminate many possiblilities out of the equation, and i'd be able to make a better decision as to what course of action i was going to take.


I also, am starting to believe more and more, that if i wasn't pregnant, this wouldn't be happening.


My husband went through a stage where he didn't really see me as a girl anymore, but more a motherly person. And for a long time if I even said a bad word, he would shame me and say I was a mother, blah...well, he got over all that.


With the second pregnancy that didn't happen.


Ugh. That really sucks. What if it sticks? I couldn't handle this. He jokingly calls me "mommy" right now. Last night, i looked down and said "Great, that's what you see now when you look at me.."


He laughed hugged me and said "well, you are carrying my child"


He used to call me "Dirty" all the time, it's his word to describe someone he thinks as incredibly sexy.

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