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Does she like me as a b/f ?

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I started to talk to this one girl for about 2 months now, and i think is real cute. We talk on the phone all the time (for about 3-6 hours). During lunch we r always together. We both go the same way for 5th period (right after lunch) and we always walk together. Everytime we do she always start to hold me hand. The frist couple of times we talked on the phone she started to tell me how bad she wanted a b/f (and im thinking y is she telling me that). She also said that she would never ask a guy to b with her. After new years vacation i didnt go to school the first day we had to go back cuz i was stick. Around lunch time i hear my phone ring. It was her calling me and telling me how she really wanted to see me and that she really misses me. She had not seen me in 3 weeks. You u guys think that she is into me as a b/f. Cuz i really like her, but dont know if i should ask her to b with me. Im really shy when it comes to asking a girl to b with you.

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she is into you as a b/f because she started to hold your hand. also she tells you how much she wants a b/f, and that might be a hint. you should hold her hand and see if she likes it. if she does, then when you sit down, sit very close, and see if she likes that too. soon you might be holding each other, and from there it is easy to develop romance. but you must take this first step to hold her hand and be close, or else it might fizzle out and she might give up. you have a good opportunity so take advantage before it is too late.

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I think she does want you as a bf. If i was you, i would act quickly, cause i think the person i like is starting to go off me, cause i told her i like her, but havnt asked her out or anything... If i could go back a while, i owuld sure as hell of said yes to going out with her, instead of being shy and dragging it out for so long! Ask her very soon, but act cool. Don't whine and stuff, just seem cool (like as if she doesnt matter... althuagh don't tell her shes not that big a loss). If she doesn't like you, well, i owuld be very surprised - espeacily with the hand holding!

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I think she does. I really do. I think she likes you and you should find out what words you want to say to her to ask her out. Perhaps you could invite her to your house for a movie and afterwards talk to her, tell her you like her and that you want to be more than just friends with her. I believe from what you've said that it is the right way to go - don't let time pass - never miss your chance, because you'll regret it later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

^-touch-of-heaven-^ he is completely right because if you wait too long and time will pass you will regret it all. I am telling you the truth man. Don't waste your chance go for it while you still can trust all of us who gave you such good advice about you situation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

.......cobra.....first of all i agree with the knowledged who left oppinion before me..., plz act quick....plz plz plz!!!! 2nd of all......Can u put urself into her situation and imagine that u just "hugged" and "kissed" a girl, and told her that u missed her a lot, and shit......and u got almost no respond, I think u didn't "nothing" special when she kissed u. How would u feel after all that and the girls respond to u is way "cool"? Maybe she doesn't likes me? Is that the answer?? I think she is embarrased by her action, and she is sad because u are not doing no shit........ask her out quick plz

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