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Deep Throat??

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Topic approved by SwingFox


Hey everyone! firstly,APOLOGIES if my posts offends anyone,but i am genuinely in need of some answers and advice if possible.

have any guys received deep throat before?and have any girls ever been able to give it? me and my boyfriend were talking about it the other day and i was gonna try and give it a go,but i have a very sensitive gag reflex as it is,and plus i have a small mouth.

is it really possible,or is this just a fantasy?it seems as though it would choke the girl in question to have something that far in their throat?


im usually pretty clued up about sex but this is something im really not sure about.so has anyone got any ideas,or advice for me?id love to give it a try,but im really not sure if i would be able to actually (physically) do it?


thanks to anyone with any ideas or experience in this matter!!

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It just takes practice. You have to be able to teach yourself to relax the back of your through. It's when you're through tenses that the gag reflex comes in. Some people just don't have the mental ability to resist the natural reaction to resist something that large going down there through and can't help but tens up, but it is possible. It's all a mental game.

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Men love this. I will PM you though to avoid the remarks that would undoubtedly be received by other individuals.


By the way, disregard those comments by those who do not understand the beauty of giving pleasure to their partner. I feel sorry for them too. I don't believe there is anything dirty about satisfying the one you love. These poor people just get defensive about things they don't understand or don't know how to do.



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  • 4 months later...

Deep thoarting is something my boyfriend seems to enjoy a lot. At first, when I tried doing it I had a really bad gag reflex.. I even threw up on him .. I know I know its gross, ,but I couldn't help it lol. Anyways, the more and more you practice it , the better you get at getting over the gag reflex. When you first start the deep thoarting , I would recommend that you do not put the whole thing in your mouth the first time, take a little more each time.

Aslo, go to Spencers or a store like that and get some "GOOD HEAD" It taste AWFUL, but it numbs the back of your thoart so you don't have the gag reflex and you can deep thoart your guy till he is pleased.


Hope this helps,



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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I'm a 16 year old guy, and I must say that getting a deep throat has to be the most erotic thing ever....besides sex. But to see someone completely envelop your penis really makes me horny. I dont know about other guy's opinions, but my advice to you is to try and go as deep as you can.. Remember, half of a man's pleasure from getting head is watching the girl do it. Taking in the whole penis certainly provides for a good image. And the best part about getting deep throated is that when I cum I know for sure that it's goin down her throat. To me, it's as I'm giving her a part of me.


Well hopefully you find this useful, tata.

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Yes, I have received deep throat before, and boy it felt like heaven. For me it is one of the most intensive thrills I have received so far. However, it is only fun if your partner enjoys doing that to you. This may sound a bit *hmm*, but I think there is nothing better than a dirty smile on an angel's face before going down on you...


However, you should not force someone to do it. If a partner does not want he or she does not want. Point. No discussion. And I even heard of guys who did not enjoy it at all...so deep throating is most certainly not the ultimate answer to all sexual desires. It is seriously nice, addictive even, but nothing I would want every day...


Advice on how to...hmm hard to do, howtheheckshalliknow? No, seriously, you have to practice slowly, learn to control your swallowing reflex, to breathe right and you have to have a man you can absolutely trust not to push your head down. If he does move towards you use your fingers or your hand to form a "bumper"... Anything more? Oh, yeah, enjoy!!!

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