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Asking a girl, you don't exactly know out

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Hello everyone,


Well, the story this time is like this: I've met this girl about a month ago, I'm strongly physically attracted to her and I would really like to get to know her one on one. I'm friends with her roomate. Now although we have seen each other more than once, we were never exactly alone.

I don't see her often, last time I saw her was ten days ago. When will I see her next time, I don't know. At this moment we are more acquainted than friends or anything else.

Now I personally would really to get to know her, one on one. My friend (her rooomate) gave me their home number, and since they live together, it's her number too.

So what can I do now? I haven't exactly let The girl, I'm interested in, know in that I'm so very interested in her.

Now could any one give me good advice on how to handle this? I'm not sure I should call and ask to talk to her, and ask her out. But then I don't know when will I see her next time. For all I know it could be in 3 weeks!

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Okay. First of all, you have to call her. Three weeks! I wouldn't risk it. How about this... you wait for a night when you know your friend is out, call her place and when your friends roommate picks up, encourage her into a conversation. Now I know the whole 'starting a conversation will be hard', but start with things like 'what are you dong?' and 'how was your day?'. And when you are running out of these questions, say something to intrest her, or allow her to become curious. Once you get into a deep conversation with her, there will be no problem. Maybe talk to her a couple moretimes, and if you are attracted to her after getting to know her better, than ask her out. Thats my battle strategy

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