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Why is life still so hard for the "woman" man?


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Well, indeed. Though there ARE players. I know some. I've seen them in action. In fact, I've warned women - "Hey, this guy is a player!" It doesn't seem to matter. I don't try to understand it.


But to your other point... It's hard to deny that the world of 'mates,' as you put it, is fraught with heartbreak and bad feelings. It's hard stuff! But do you really want to give up on something, just because it's hard? You get a lot out of it, be it the ups or be it the downs... That's the way I look at it.


I think the important thing is to just not take day to day matters so seriously... Just take things as they come and, when you can, shoot for the stars. And to trust yourself, first and foremost.


And to Eva's point... It's not a matter of who's smarter. But I'll tell you what, as soon as I embraced the anti-logic principle, things have gone much better for me personally in terms of women. All I have to base my opinions on are my experience...

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Well you are right, as soon as I started looking at women, up and down, not like a pervert of course and started to be not caring what others said, it seemed to make women more flirt with me and just be noticed by almost every girl when I walked in to a room, but it didn't really seem that I got any that caref about relationships, it's like women seen me and liked qualities about me, but yet it was like I guess somehow I was not dating material.


I guess maybe I must be some kinda backup for them or just some guy they have a one-niter with, it's like I never really found a girl that really was for a relationship, at least with me.

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Yeah, I guess, cause like I said, I always felt like the flirt-only with guy, like no girls ever really seem to want me for a relationship, which I guess I found weird at the time but not now, because I feel I would be a good relationship-type guy, but I guess maybe I don't project that, I must project that I'm a quickly switching girls type of guys or something, something that a relationship is not what is wanted.

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I can believe that, because like I said, look how far I came already.


When I was in school, it was like literally not a SINGLE girl liked me or was interested in me at all, none would smile, none would even give me one look, then after school, I got tons of looks and smiles, but none that seemed to be interested in me for a relationship.


So I guess the older you get the better your chances or something.

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I can believe that, because like I said, look how far I came already.


When I was in school, it was like literally not a SINGLE girl liked me or was interested in me at all, none would smile, none would even give me one look, then after school, I got tons of looks and smiles, but none that seemed to be interested in me for a relationship.


So I guess the older you get the better your chances or something.


I think it's more what women and girls are looking for at certain times in their lives... a lot of girls in highschool go after all the popular guys (and guys go after the popular girls), but when they get older they get more mature and realize they might want something a little different. I'm still waiting for their attention myself...

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Oddly enough, now that I'm out of High School, sometimes I see girls in high school or middle school, age while I am walking around, and for some reason girls that age take a liking to me.


College though, I'm kinda back to the no girl thing, LoL.


Odd how like someone can't get girls while they are in school, but can get school girls after they graduate, lol. I love life, because it's just so funny.


It's like even going to a different place it's different, I mean when I go out of state or out of county/city from where I am, it's like a whole new ballgame, many places I went to, I got way more attention then I ever did in my own city. It's like I'm just more liked in other cities then my own, sometimes in other cities I go to, the girls look at me like they never seen a man before, but then I come back to my city, and it's like back to being ignored, it's just funny LoL.

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