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Approaching and talking to girls


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For all my high school years, I never had luck with girls. They never seem to like me, or be attracted to me at all. Even in clubs. I guess my strategy to introduce with them may be wrong. There is a girl I like now, she seemed to have lost interest in even being friends with me after 3 days. I haven't done much other then go for lunch and spend the lunch together. Today she didn't want to go at all.

Whats the best way to approach a new girl, or get a girl I already know. Considering I'm in school.

Please keep in mind, I just want to make friends.


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it's not luck. you just have to be genuinely interested. if she likes you, she will talk to you. just say hi and smile. ask something common "oh what are you reading?" just something generic to get it flowin. most guys that think they have no 'luck' usually are trying to hard and seem to eager to women which is a major turn off to them.

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